
Visual trickery. An apple in the foreground is reflected merely as an apple core in a mirror in t...
Thu, 10/11/2018 - 09:06

UGR to lead H2020 project exploring causes of anorexia and bulimia  

The University of Granada will coordinate a pioneering new H2020 project called CogniTastED, which aims to shed light on how what we think about certain types of food can diminish or enhance their flavour. It will explore how this phenomenon can lead to extreme loss of appetite and weight, as well as to compulsive eating habits, among those suffering from eating disorders.

Participants at European Researchers' Night taking part in an experiment
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 14:55

European Researchers’ Night gets under way in Granada

European Researchers’ Night 2018 got under way this morning, Friday 28 September, under the slogan “Women and men who conduct research for you (“Mujeres y hombres que hacen ciencia para ti”). The event will involve over 500 researchers from Granada—300 of whom are from the UGR—who will conduct fascinating experiments on the streets of the city.  

A young man wearing a crown made out of spur gears on his head
Fri, 09/14/2018 - 12:40

UGR to participate in Erasmus+ project on biotech and health

The University of Granada, through its General Coordination for Entrepreneurship (UGRemprendedora), will participate in the Erasmus+ BIO-ALL (BIOHEALTH Gear Box Alliance) project, developing a wide range of activities designed to promote and consolidate entrepreneurial initiatives in the biotechnological and health spheres over the next three years.

Modern buildings at the UGR's PTS Campus
Tue, 09/11/2018 - 10:51

Five UGR subjects among world top 100

The 2018 ARWU places the University of Granada in 278th position in the world and as the third-highest ranked University in Spain, with 5 UGR subjects among the top 100, reaffirming its position as an institution at the forefront of national and international research.

Four students posing for a photo
Fri, 09/07/2018 - 09:31

Induction Days for International Students at the UGR (10-11 Sept)

This academic year, more than 2000 new international students from over 70 countries will complete studies at the University of Granada, thanks to the diverse range of mobility programmes available at our institution. The Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization will run Induction Days for these new students from 10 to 11 September 2018, and again in January and February 2019.