The Melilla Campus of the University of Granada in North Africa will host the first of three intensive programmes to be developed within the framework of the 3Economy+ project. The first programme will take place from 4 to 9 July and will bring together participants from Spain, Malta and Portugal.
Selected by the European Union as an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership Project for Higher Education during the 2017 call for proposals, the 3Economy+ project aims to develop and implement innovative teaching and learning practices to improve the academic training of university students in the fields of business, tourism and marketing. A further goal is to offer complementary international training designed to improve employment prospects and foster the acquisition of core competencies, boosting professional development. The project is being coordinated by the University of Granada, with the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre and the University of Malta acting as project partners.
It focuses on three disadvantaged regions in the Europe Union; Melilla, Portalegre (Portugal) and Malta, with a view to tackling rising unemployment rates and, in particular, youth unemployment — one of the major challenges facing European governments at present. Addressing these critical issues is fundamental for the success of the Erasmus+ programme and is one of the primary goals of the 2020 Europe Strategy.
The 3economy+ Project also aims to become a driving force for socioeconomic transformation and development, fostering growth, employment opportunities, and social equality and inclusion. During its first year, it has focused primarily on enhancing the stakeholders’ knowledge of economics, employing Spanish as the main language of instruction.
Participants from Portugal and Malta will take part in diverse workshops and conferences in Melilla from 4 to 9 July, improving their knowledge about different topics related to the economy.
They will also present some of the activities they have been undertaking over the course of the past year, while also learning about the specific characteristics of the city of Melilla that influence local business and tourism.
In addition, as part of the training sessions, which coincide with the European Year of Cultural Heritage, participants will propose initiatives to promote the cultural heritage of Melilla, collaborating closely with local bodies and institutions. During this process, the rich heritage of the cities of Portalegre and Msida (Malta) will be taken into account and discussed, generating an atmosphere of diversity and intercultural dialogue. Likewise, best practices to guarantee the conservation and safeguarding of heritage will be highlighted, with special attention given to the impact of cultural heritage on local economies.
The Resource Production Centre for the Digital University (CEPRUD) of the UGR has also designed an eLearning Moodle platform for the 3Economy+ project, as well as a website that provides further information about the initiative and the proposed activities http://www.3economyplus.eu
Contact information:
Miguel Ángel Montero Alonso
Coordinator of the 3Economy+ project
Phone: +34 952 698726
Email: @email