The University of Granada will hold a highly practical workshop on the 26 April, entitled ‘Strategies for Professional Integration in the EU’, which will examine key topics in the areas of job seeking, employability, and professional integration in the Europe Union and EU bodies.
The workshop will include debates and round table sessions, providing specialist advice to members of the UGR community and society at large on issues such as; how to effectively seek and secure employment in the European Union; work placements and competitive examinations at EU bodies; labour mobility and the role of EURES (the European Job Mobility Portal); the role of Europass documents in demonstrating skills and qualifications; and Erasmus+ traineeships, among others. Moreover, the workshop will be delivered by a diverse range of specialists, including academic and research staff, administrative and support staff, and graduates with first-hand experience working at EU bodies.
Workshop themes:
- Working in EU institutions: internship programmes and competitive examinations
- The Council of the European Union: practical advice for young professionals
- Labour mobility in Europe: the role of the EURES Network
- Europass documents: presenting skills and qualifications
- Erasmus+ Traineeships (internships and work placements)
- The right to work in the EU
- The free movement of workers in the European Union: the scope and limits of the right to freedom of movement
- The movement of workers in the transnational provision of services
- The recognition of academic and professional qualifications in the European Union
The event has been organised by the Vice-Rectorate for Student Services and Employability and the Faculty of Law of the UGR.
Venue: Faculty of Law
Date: 26 April 2018
Time: 16.45 – 20.15