The international seminar “Beyond mobility: internationalization at the UGR today”, which will be held from 23rd to 25th April 2018, is intended to serve the dual purpose of offering the university at large the opportunity to hear and exchange views with the five international experts who make up our International Advisory Board, and of offering the Board a showcase of some of the University’s current initiatives in internationalization. It has been organised around the following 5 broad thematic areas:
Monday 23rd April (Sala Triunfo)
Session I: A strategic approach: internationalization as a means, not an end
- 10h00. Opening and brief presentation of UGR internationalization strategy
- 10h30. Keynote “Thinking strategically about internationalization”, Fiona Hunter, member of the International Advisory Board
- 11h00. “International networks as a strategic tool for boosting internationalization”, Artur Schmitt, Director for International Strategy, Networks and Projects
- 11h20.“Structured Mobility and double degrees”, Wenceslao Martín, Academic Director for Internationalization
- 11h40. Break
Session II: Internationalizing Postgraduate Studies
- 12h00. Keynote “Current trends in international doctoral education: European and global perspective”, Melita Kovacevic, member of the International Advisory Board
- 12h30.“International School for Postgraduate Studies: a strategic institutional framework”, Teresa Bajo, Director of the International School for Postgraduate Studies
- 12h50.“3MT and other instruments for internationalization at home at doctoral level”, Elena Arigita, Director for Internationalization at the International School for Postgraduate Studies
- 13h10.“Doctoral level capacity building in Latin America”, Antonio García Casco, Director of the Doctoral School in Science, Technology and Engineering
- 13h30. Discussion
- 14h00. Lunch break
Session III: Development cooperation
- 16h00. Keynote “Geographically inclusive internationalization”, Eva Egron-Polak, member of the International Advisory Board
- 16h30. “Cooperation with Togalese universities, a multifaceted experience in development cooperation”, Domingo Barrera, Director of the Centre for Development Cooperation Initiatives
- 16h50. “Short learning experiences for Health Science students in Cuba”, Cruz Miguel Cendán, Deputy Dean for Internationalization, Faculty of Health Sciences
- 17h20. Keynote “Why Latin America matters”, Daniel Hernández Ruipérez, member of the International Advisory Board
- 17h50. Discussion
- 18h15. Close
Tuesday 24th April (Salón de Grados B – Faculty of Medicine)
Session IV: Quality and innovation in mobility – case studies
- 9h30. “International Welcome Centre”, Encarnación Collado, researcher welcome officer, IWC
- 9h50. “Promoting mobility: using tasters”, Mariano Sánchez, Deputy Dean for Internationalization, Faculty for Political Science and Sociology
- 10h10. “Involving students: the Mentor programme”
Carolina González Madrigal, Head Administrative Officer for Information, International Relations Office - 10h30. “Lab internships for incoming international students: forging tomorrow’s research networks”, Christine Kelly-Vereda, Director of the Granada Office of Consortium for Advanced Study Abroad (CASA)
- 10h50. Discussion
- 11h15. Coffee
Session V: Internationalization at home
- 11h35. Keynote “Teaching & learning in the international classroom”, Karen M. Lauridsen, member of the International Advisory Board
- 12h05. “A case study in international classroom methodology”, Catherine Way, senior lecturer in Translation, Department of Translating and Interpreting
- 12h25. “The international virtual classroom”Ignacio Blanco, Director of the Centre for the Production of Digital Resources
- 12h45. “Methodology changes inspired by a course in English as a Medium of Instruction”, Eva Valero Benito, Department of Optics
- 13h05. “Tools for language standardization: UGRTerm”, Silvia Montero, senior lecturer in Terminology, Department of Translating and Interpreting
- 13h25. “UGR Language Policy: Spanish as an asset”, Carmen Caballero Navas, Director for Language Policy
- 13h45. Discussion
- 14h15. Close
About the members of the International Advisory Board
Full Professor of Geometry and Topology at the Department of Mathematics (Universidad de Salamanca) since September 1983 and former Rector of the University of Salamanca 2009-2017.
Dean of the Faculty of Science (1987‐1990), Head of the Department of Mathematics (1992‐1998 and 2004-2008) and Head of the University Institute for Fundamental Physics and Mathematics (2008-2009), all at the University of Salamanca, before becoming Rector for two terms between 2009 and 2017.
Acknowledgments: He is a correspondent Member of the Spanish National Academic Correspondent (Section of Exact Sciences) (2013), holds the Cross of Police Merit with White Emblem (2013), Order of Bernardo O’Higgins of the Republic of Chile, with the rank of Commander (2014), Sanmarquina Medal of Honor (Great Cross) from the National University of San Marcos (2015 Lima, Peru), Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, of Japan (2016), Gold Medal of his hometown, Peñaranda de Bracamonte (2016), Order of “Alfonso X the Wise” of Spain (2018).
International activity: One of the main focuses of his activity as rector of the University of Salamanca was to increase the international relations, influence and prestige of his university. He sat in the Rectors Advisory Committee of the Coimbra Group of historic European universities, assumed the Presidency of the Tordesillas Group (for one year). He also sits on the Board of UNIVERSIA (a portal of Spanish and Latin-American universities and the Bank Santander), the Board of several associations of universities, namely, the International Association of Universities (IAU-AUI), the Association of Arab and European Universities, or the CRUSOE group of universities from the South West of Europe. He also sat on the Executive Committees of SICELE (International System of Assessment of Spanish as a Foreign Language) and SIELE (International System of Evaluation of the Spanish Language).
He has participated actively in many international meetings aiming at the construction of a common Higher Education Area for Europe, Latin-American and the Caribbean (EU-LAC). From 2014 until 2018, he was been the chair of the Committee for Internationalization and Cooperation of the National Conference of Spanish University Rectors (CRUE).
Educated in the Czech Republic, Canada and France, Eva Egron-Polak studied French Literature, Political Science and International Political Economy. After nearly 20 years at the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, now known as Universities Canada, where she held several positions including as Vice President, International, she became the Secretary General of the International Association of Universities (IAU) in 2002. She held this position until 2017 and now continues as an IAU Senior Fellow.
At IAU, an independent, global association of higher education institutions and associations of universities, based at UNESCO in Paris, Eva Egron-Polak developed numerous new activities and services in various higher education policy areas, most especially in internationalization, but also promoting equitable access and success, the importance of sustainable development and a strong focus on ethics, academic values and higher education’s responsibility to society.
Eva Egron-Polak serves on many committees in organizations such as UNESCO, the European Commission, or OECD, as well as on various university or national advisory committees in the Netherlands, Ireland, UK, Spain and Romania, among others. She is a member of the Magna Charta Observatory Council and a Member of the Executive Committee of GAPS. She has taken part in system level reviews of higher education in Egypt and Spain, co-authored the two last editions of the IAU Global Survey Report on Internationalization of Higher Education (2010 and 2014 respectively), and written and presented numerous papers on higher education topics. In 2015 she was awarded a Doctorate honoris causa by Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania.
Fiona Hunter is based in Italy where she is Associate Director at the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. She also works as a higher education consultant helping universities to think more strategically, either for organisational improvement in general or with a specific focus on internationalisation. She is co-editor of the Journal of Studies in International Education (JSIE), holds a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Higher Education Management from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom and is Past President of the European Association for International Education.
Melita Kovacevic is a former Vice-Rector for Research and Technology at the University of Zagreb (2006-2014). She is a Full Professor at the Department of Speech and Language Pathology, the head of research laboratory and a director of Doctoral programme in Language and Cognitive Neuroscience. Melita Kovacevic held research and visiting positions at different European and American universities.
Melita Kovacevic has been involved in policy of higher education since the beginning of 2000. She has been a member of different national and European bodies related to higher education. She gave more than hundred speeches as a keynote or plenary speaker worldwide. She was EUA-CDE (European University Association Council for Doctoral Education) Steering Committee member (2009-2016) and Chair (2012-2016). Melita Kovacevic contributes largely to the debate on doctoral education in Europe and beyond. She was also Steering Committee member of UNICA, network of universities of the European capitals, presently she is a Vice-President of the PRIDE network, and a member of International Policy Board of the National Science Foundation, Georgia. She participated in number of projects related to doctoral education, research capacity, academic leadership and quality assurance in European Union, South-East Europe, China, Central Asia and Africa. She is participating individually and as a member of international teams in institutional evaluations and evaluations of study programmes.
Karen M. Lauridsen is an associate professor and educational developer at Aarhus University (Denmark), specialising in international programmes and English Medium Instruction. She was the coordinator of IntlUni – The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space (2012-15), and is a partner in the EQUiiP Project – Educational Quality at Universities for Inclusive International Programmes (2016-2019). Most recently, she has also worked with evidencing the value (impact) of professional development activities.
KML serves as an advisor at several European universities. She is an honorary member of the European Language Council, and she is affiliated faculty at the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy.