Bachelor'S Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

University center Facultad de Bellas Artes
Credit framework
  • Total credits: 240
  • Optional credits: 60

First academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Nature of Materials 1 Compulsory course 6
Basic Principles of Sculpture Core course 6
Basic Principles of Painting Core course 6
Basic Principles of Drawing Core course 6
Art History and Theory Core course 6
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Drawing: Language and Materials Core course 6
Sculpture: Language and Materials Core course 6
Nature of Materials 2 Compulsory course 6
Painting: Language and Materials Core course 6
Analysis Systems: Forms and Representation Core course 6

Second academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Photographic Documentation Compulsory course 6
History of Thought Core course 6
Artistic Techniques and Their Conservation. Graphic Arts Compulsory course 6
Artistic Techniques and Their Conservation. Stone, Ceramics and Metals Compulsory course 6
Artistic Techniques and Their Conservation. Polychrome Compulsory course 6
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Modern Art. 20Th-21St Century Core course 6
Deterioration Factors Compulsory course 6
Introduction to Conservation and Restoration. Easel Painting Compulsory course 6
Introduction to the Conservation and Restoration of Sculpture Compulsory course 6
Theory and History of Restoration Compulsory course 6

Third academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
History of Books and Binding Elective course 6
Iconography Elective course 6
Introduction to Archaeological Conservation and Restoration Compulsory course 6
Introduction to the Conservation and Restoration of Graphic Documents Compulsory course 6
Introduction to the Conservation and Restoration of Stone Materials and Wall Coverings Compulsory course 6
Digital Documentation Techniques Elective course 6
Analysis Techniques 1 Compulsory course 6
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Archaeological Conservation and Restoration 1: Ceramics Elective course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Graphic Documents 1: Paper Elective course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings Elective course 6
Restoration Materials Compulsory course 6
Legal Regulations of Conservation Compulsory course 6
Analysis Techniques 2 Compulsory course 6

Fourth academic year

First semester
Course Course type Credits
Preventive Conservation Compulsory course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Sculptures 1: Wood Elective course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Paintings 1: Canvas Elective course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Paintings 2: Panel Elective course 6
Exhibition Design Elective course 6
Introduction to Archaeology Elective course 6
Work Placement Elective course 12
Second semester
Course Course type Credits
Archaeological Conservation and Restoration 2: Metals Elective course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Graphic Documents 2: Books Elective course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Sculptures 2: Other Decorative Supports Elective course 6
Conservation and Restoration of Stone Material Elective course 6
Methodology and Dissemination Planning in Heritage Management Elective course 6
Museology and Curating Elective course 6
Projects, Methodology and Safety Compulsory course 6
Work Placement Elective course 12
Undergraduate Dissertation Compulsory course 6
Advanced Virtual Restoration Techniques Elective course 6