The “Gaudeamus of resistance” by the UGR Orchestra and Choir now features subtitles in 15 languages

Fri, 04/24/2020 - 21:39
A screenshot of the video
  • Nearly 20,000 people have already watched the version of this song with Spanish subtitles. Over 70 people met online to record this university anthem, whose lyrics speak of victory over the coronavirus.

When the pandemic started, the Orchestra and Choir of the University of Granada brought together more than 70 people online to record a version of the Gaudeamus Igitur adapted to the COVID-19 crisis. The Gaudeamus Igitur, which has been the anthem and symbol of the University for centuries, has in fact changed over time, assimilating the reality of the society in which it evolved into its lyrics. Jesús Luque Moreno, who is an honorary Emeritus Full Professor of Latin, proposed updating the anthem to fit the reality in which we currently find ourselves, and added a verse that inspires strength and hope in the face of the coronavirus. Now, this new version is subtitled in 13 languages. This new version has been updated with subtitles in 13 more languages, meaning that it is now available in a total of 15 languages.

Almost 20,000 people from more than 15 countries have viewed the original version, sung in Latin and subtitled in Spanish. The countries where it has been watched the most are Spain, the United States, France, Italy and Ecuador. Due to its success, the University of Granada decided to subtitle it in 13 languages so that people across the globe could enjoy and understand the anthem. So far, this audiovisual and “confined” version of the Gaudeamus Igitur has been subtitled in English, German, Arabic, Chinese, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian and Turkish.

The new verse in this “Gaudeamus Igitur of resistance” reads as follows: Virus coronarium nos nunc separavit, ¡Domi maneamus, domi studeamus! ¡Certe non triumphabit! [The coronavirus has torn us apart. Let us stay at home, and do our work from there! So it will not prevail!].

Subtitling the Gaudeamus in 13 languages, including all the languages of the Arqus European University Alliance, has been made possible thanks to the voluntary contributions of academic and administrative staff at our University. It has also been possible thanks to the collaboration of our international partners, with whom we have a close relationship through networks and associations, especially through the Arqus Alliance. In this regard, the contribution of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization of the UGR has been essential.

The author of the verse, Jesús Luque, says that the lyrics of the Gaudeamus anthem were born alive and have always been kept alive. He states that the lyrics are always open to the day-to-day experiences of the University and, in turn, to society. For that reason, the University cannot ignore a situation as difficult as the one we are now facing together.

Víctor Medina, the Vice-Rector for Outreach and Heritage, the area in charge of the UGR Orchestra and Choir, explains that the reason why the lyrics of this Gaudeamus have been translated into other languages is that the meaning behind the anthem, and not just the new verse, should be accessible to everyone. The Vice-Rector also points out that this anthem praises the Academy and the institution, and thus represents us, so we want it to be known.

The Gaudeamus has been made possible thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of 45 musicians who play string, wind and percussion instruments—some even recorded several instruments or voices—and 26 choristers. All of these musicians used their own resources at home to record each part separately, and then they were adjusted, edited, mastered and equalised by the Gueben production team. Approximately 75 parallel audio and video tracks have been used for the final video, which has been an unprecedented challenge both artistically and technically.












