The UGR climbs almost 100 places in the QS Rankings
In this edition, the University of Granada ranks among the 27% of the best universities in the world, and is the best positioned in Andalusia.
In this edition, the University of Granada ranks among the 27% of the best universities in the world, and is the best positioned in Andalusia.
The Professor of Philosophy of Law, Pedro Mercado Pacheco, has been elected Rector of the University of Granada with 53.37% of the weighted votes in the elections held on 16 May 2023.
Maynooth University joins the Arqus efforts towards building a forward-looking, open, integrated and research-driven European University, building transformative excellence with and for all. The Arqus Coordinator and the Arqus Executive Manager made the first official visit to Maynooth University on 20th January.
3 days to meet policymakers, take stock and design the future
An international group of experts, led by the University of Granada (UGR), has signalled the need for carefully planned reforestation on a worldwide scale—and not simply in terms of planting as many trees as possible but, rather, planting specific species that can help curb the propagation of wildfires and that are able to re-sprout following fire damage. The experts have shared their views in an open Letter published in Science, one of the world’s most prestigious journals dealing with scientific matters.
The main website of the University of Granada is, in terms of web accessibility, among the best both at university level and in the governmental sphere in general. According to the estimation made by the Web Accessibility Observatory.
What should you do if you have exams but know or suspect that you have Covid-19? Here we provide a summary of the steps to follow.
This Resolution is applicable to the management of issues that arise during final exams and exercises that are part of ordinary assessment sessions (convocatorias ordinarias) and resits (convocatorias extraordinarias) in the first semester at faculties and schools employing the "self-contained" calendar (calendario de semestres cerrados), as well as ordinary assessment sessions at faculties and schools employing the "open" calendar (calendario de semestres abiertos) in the first semester of the 2021-2022 academic year.
The measures established by the health authorities last October once again led our University to adapt to a predominantly remote teaching model. The great effort made by all the members of the university community, in addition to the significant investment made in the previous months with regard to the provision of equipment and training, have made it possible to guarantee the continuity of teaching and assessment activities in a more than satisfactory manner.
This protocol will be applicable to applications from students who, due to the circumstances established herein, and within the framework of the maximum levels of flexibility referred to in the Resolution of the Rector of the University of Granada of 23 March 2021 on the development of teaching and assessment from 6 April 2021 onwards, are unable to take part in face-to-face teaching activities.