Manuel Díez Minguito
Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado En Dinámica de Flujos Biogeoquímicos y Sus Aplicaciones
Escuela Internacional de Posgrado
Avenida de Madrid nº 13
Profesor Titular de Universidad
E.T.S. de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva (Edificio Politécnico)
- Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
Master's Degree in Environmental Hydraulics
- Foundations - Foundations and Applied Methods in Environmental Hydraulics
- Integral Management of Ports and Coastal Zones - Transport and Mixing in the Continental Shelf and Coastal and Transitional Areas
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering
- Specific Technology - Dynamics of the Ocean- Atmosphere- Coastal System
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Environmental Hydraulics
- Courses of the Master's Degree in Environmental Hydraulics - Transport and Mixing in the Continental Shelf and Coastal and Transitional Areas
- Specific Technology - Dynamics of the Ocean- Atmosphere- Coastal System
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Structural Engineering
- Specific Technology - Dynamics of the Ocean- Atmosphere- Coastal System
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Water Quality Science and Technology (Idea)
- Specific Technology - Dynamics of the Ocean- Atmosphere- Coastal System
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Economics
- Specific Technology - Dynamics of the Ocean- Atmosphere- Coastal System
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Water Quality Science and Technology (Idea)
- Specific Technology - Dynamics of the Ocean- Atmosphere- Coastal System
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Structural Engineering
- Specific Technology - Dynamics of the Ocean- Atmosphere- Coastal System