Mario de la Torre Espinosa
Coordinador Del Área de Artes Escénicas
Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria, Patrimonio y Rel. Institucionales
Espacio V Centenario. Avda. de Madrid, 11
Coordinador del Master Universitario En Nuevos Medios Interactivos y Periodismo Multimedia
Escuela Internacional de Posgrado
Avenida de Madrid nº 13
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Campus Universitario de Cartuja
- Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communication
- Bachelor's Degree in Comparative Literature
Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Training (Vet) and Language Teaching
- Free Elective Module - Contemporary Dramaturgy
- Free Elective Module - Greco-Latin Theatre and Its Impact on Stage
Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory and Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Training (Vet) and Language Teaching
- Free Elective Module - Greco-Latin Theatre and Its Impact on Stage
- Free Elective Module - Contemporary Dramaturgy
Master's Degree in Literary and Theatre Studies
- Specialisation 2 - Specialist Elective Module in Theatre Studies - Contemporary Dramaturgy
- Specialisation 2 - Specialist Elective Module in Theatre Studies - Greco-Latin Theatre and Its Impact on Stage
Master's Degree in New Interactive Media and Multimedia Journalism
- Module 3: New Perspectives in Multimedia and Interactive Communication - Multimedia Journalism and New Media
- Module 2: Advanced Skills in Multimedia and Interactive Communication - Script Writing and New Ways of Storytelling in Multimedia/Transmedia Contexts