The glossary aims to serve as a benchmark for discussion in the field of inclusion and accessibility, both within the Alliance and in other bodies within the framework of higher education.
The Arqus European University Alliance stands as a collaborative force, unifying institutions with a common commitment to academic, scientific and cultural advancement. As one of the key identifying features of Arqus, the Alliance is committed to inclusion, understood as the provision of quality support and attention to the diverse members of the Arqus community.
Aims and characteristics
As part of the Alliance’s focus on inclusion, the first edition of the ArqusTerm English Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions for Inclusion and Accessibility in Higher Education has been released, in alignment with the Arqus Termbase (https://arqusterm.ugr.es/), the Alliance’s multilingual terminology database.
Meticulously compiled through in-depth analyses of relevant sources, the glossary comprises 210 carefully curated entries, listed alphabetically in a downloadable PDF file. For example, the entry for reasonable accommodations (Figure 1) includes a definition and the preferred (“reasonable accommodations”) and admitted (“reasonable adjustments”) terminology for this concept. Definitions are accompanied by the corresponding sources, which are listed in the References section. The same applies to the sample entry response to intervention. The glossary terms will soon also be available for consultation in the Arqus Termbase terminology collections (https://arqusterm.ugr.es/terminology-collection-index/).
Figure 1: Example entries
This glossary aims not only to facilitate communication and debate within the Alliance, but also to contribute to the broader discourse on inclusion and accessibility in higher education. The goal of this initial document is to disseminate information about these concepts and the preferred terminology in the field, with the aim of promoting understanding and advancing knowledge. The intended audience of this work includes students, alumni, academics, and technical and administrative staff, as well as other university stakeholders and those engaged in the vital field of inclusion and accessibility.
This project has been developed at the University of Granada, thanks to the collaboration of members of Working Group 11.4 (Arqus Plurilingual and Intercultural Hub – Arqus Language Tools) and the Language Services Unit (USL) of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization.
Contact details:
Silvia Montero-Martínez
Director for Language Services and Resources (UGR)