Full title: Travel restrictions in the municipality of Granada not applicable to work activities of UGR staff
With regard to the “Resolution of 23 October of the Granada Provincial Delegation for Health and Family Affairs, adopting preventive public health measures restricting mobility in the city of Granada and in the following municipalities of its metropolitan area: Albolote, Alfacar, Alhendín, Armilla, Atarfe, Cájar, Cenes de la Vega, Cijuela, Cúllar-Vega, Chauchina, Churriana de la Vega, Dílar, Fuente Vaqueros, Gójar, Güevéjar, Huétor-Vega, Jun, Láchar, Marcena, Monachil, Ogíjares, Otura, Peligros, Pinos-Genil, Pinos-Puente, Pulianas, Santa Fe, Víznar, La Zubia, Las Gabias, Vegas del Genil and Valderrubio, due to the epidemiological situation caused by Covid-19”, the University wishes to inform of the following:
The aforementioned order has been published in the Official Gazette of the Andalusian Regional Government (BOJA) no. 68, 23 October (extraordinary issue), and will come into effect from 8.00 a.m. on 26 October, 2020. The agreed measures will be in force for a period of 14 calendar days, and may be revised depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation.
These measures will consist of restricting the entry and exit of people in the aforementioned municipalities and those travelling through them, except for duly justified travel, which includes the fulfilment of work-related and professional obligations. Therefore, the work activities of the administrative and support staff (PAS), and teaching and research staff (PDI) of the UGR will remain unchanged.
Teaching and research staff, and administrative and support staff who require a certificate for work-related travel must request it through the UGR e-Administration Platform (an automatic procedure via the "certificado de pertenencia a la UGR" option in the "certificates" section of the platform). (Link to procedures: PAS - PDI)
This certificate will serve as a document for all UGR staff (PAS and PDI) attesting that they are employed at the University and indicating their workplace.
Over the course of the day, precise instructions will be given to students residing outside Granada who have to travel to Granada to carry out activities covered in the "Communiqué on the measures published in the Official Gazette of the Regional Government of Andalusia (BOJA) in relation to the development of academic activities at the UGR."