Arqus celebrates the Arqus Day by holding a discussion on inclusion in mobility

Vie, 16/10/2020 - 09:53
A poster of a group of people

On October 16th at 2 pm CEST, the Arqus European University Alliance will hold a discussion on inclusion in mobility, as part of the programme of the #ERASMUSDAYS2020 as well as to celebrate the Arqus Day, which is the 18th of October.

The Arqus European University Alliance was one of the first 17 alliances selected by the European Commission in 2019. Since then, many things have happened, including a global pandemic of COVID-19 that has severely impacted the international collaboration, especially the mobility of students and staff. Both the creation of this new type of inter-university cooperation and the travel restrictions are disrupting our classic way of looking at mobility.

If we understand mobility as a significant international experience that contributes to improving the quality of the teaching and learning process, it is important to ensure that all our students can have access to this experience. Arqus universities are working to leave nobody behind, with a dedicated Action Line to widening access, inclusion and diversity (AL2).

The discussion will be chaired by Eva Egron-Polak, member of the Arqus International Advisory Board and former Secretary-General of the International Association of Universities (IAU).

It will count with the participation of the following experts:

  • Harpa Sif Arnarsdottir, Policy Officer, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture - Higher Education, European Commission
  • Dorothy Kelly, Arqus Coordinator and Vice-Rector for Internationalization at the University of Granada
  • Benedetta Zatti, Chair of Arqus Action Line 2 and Head of the Inclusion Sector at the Student Services Office of the University of Padua
  • Klaudijus Melys, President of the Arqus Student Council, student of Vilnius University.

In this discussion, the panel will have a look at questions such as: how should we reconsider mobility opportunities in the times of COVID-19 and the European University Alliances? New forms of mobility to reach new student groups: Is there a risk of creating a first- and second-class mobility experience? How can our universities advance faster together? And many other questions.

The event will be broadcasted on the Arqus YouTube channel as well as on the Arqus Facebook.

See you in this interesting discussion on Friday 16th at 2 pm CEST.