The University of Granada Governing Team takes office

Mon, 07/10/2023 - 13:37
Acto de Toma de Posesión del Equipo de Gobierno
Acto de Toma de Posesión del Equipo de Gobierno

On Friday 30 June, the University of Granada Governing Team took office during a ceremony held in the "Patio de los Mármoles" Courtyard of the "Hospital Real" Building — the seat of the Rectorate of the UGR. The event was presided over by the Rector, Pedro Mercado Pacheco, with the outgoing Rector, Pilar Aranda Ramírez, also in attendance.

During the ceremony, María del Carmen García Garnica, the University of Granada Secretary, read out the appointments of the members of the Governing Team.

Photo gallery and video of the ceremony