
Welcome to the website of the Sleep Laboratory and Health Promotion of the University of Granada. In this centre we are interested in the study of sleep, its disorders and how to improve its quality. In order to do so, we carry out various researches related to these fundamental aspects of life. Throughout this website you will be able to find out about the projects we are working on and what our lines of collaboration are.

The Sleep and Health Promotion Laboratory has high quality research and teaching staff, interested in the interrelationship between psychosocial aspects and physiological aspects of the human being.

We are one of the 24 research groups that make up the Institute of Biotechnology of the University of Granada, one of the centres with the highest scientific productivity of the UGR.

Our curriculum is extensive in several areas of Psychology and Medicine, especially in the Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Problems.

Our team includes psychologists and doctors trained mostly at the University of Granada, which is ranked in Shanghai among the 201-300 best worldwide and among the top three at the state level. The Faculty of Psychology is the first in Spain and among the 100-150 best in the world.

All researchers have been extensively trained in the study of sleep and have proven experience in the area.

Among the different collaborations, the laboratory collaborates on an ongoing basis with the Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology (EIP-UGR). In this collaboration, research is carried out on the influence of sleep on variables linked to crime, such as anger, emotional self-control, etc.