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FAQ & Bugs and fixes

Bugs and fixes

We are not aware of any major bug (as yet).

However, there is an issue when plotting columns with the same name. Hence, do not label two or more columns with exactly the same name. Hence, do not use the same name for old and new components if one or more of the latter are to be plotted. Also, if, for example, a given set of new components is used twice (or more times) retaining all or parts of their names, and you want one or more of the new components to be plotted in different plots, change their names directly in the matrix that define the new component set (e.g., A1, A2,...) or in the column name once you have performed the calculation(s).

 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the proper citation for CSpace ?

A. Thanks you asked :-). The best way is by referencing the following paper

Torres-Roldán, R.L., García-Casco, A., García-Sánchez, P.A. (2000). CSpace: An integrated workplace for the graphical and algebraic analysis of phase assemblages on 32-bit Wintel platforms. Computers and Geosciences, 26, 779-793.
DOI: 10.1016/S0098-3004(00)00006-6

Download Torres-Roldan_et_al_CSpace_Comp_Geosci (2000).pdf

To FAQ Index

Q. How do I know the version of CSpace that I have currently installed ?

The complete version of the program is displayed in the About CSpace dialog, which is invoked from the Help menu of the CSpaceData window. Version information consists of a series of four numbers separated by dots, as for example "". The two first numbers correspond to those of the main version, and refer to major and minor release, respectively. The third number refers to the specific release (which can be 0 or 1 meaning internal or public release) and the fourth is the "build" (program re-assembly) number .

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Q. I have loaded the sample data files that come with the program, but CSpace doesn't seem do recognize the numeric values in them.

A. It seems likely that your system is configured to use a decimal separator that is different from the one being in the provided sample data files (a point). As a consequence, floating-point numeric values are not recognized as such within CSpace, but rather seen as character strings.

CSpace data files store numbers in human-readable decimal format. When floating-point values are written or read into/from a data file, CSpace will automatically use the decimal separator (usually a point or a comma) specified in your operating system configuration . You should not need to consider the decimal separator being used unless you need or want to use data files that were generated in another machine configured with a different decimal separator. This might generally apply to files generated by a foreign co-worker, for instance.

You have two options: A) Edit the file(s) and change the decimal separator to match the one being used by your system. To change the decimal separator in an existing file just load it in any text editor that can do search and replace, then use this facility to replace the existing decimal separator with the current in your system. Be sure to re-save the file in raw text format. B) Change your system decimal separator appropriately. To change or inspect  the decimal separator being used by your system go to the Control Panel, then double-click the Regional Settings applet and select the Number page.

To FAQ Index

Q. CSpace does not run in 64 bits version of Windows

A. For 64 bits version of Windows, set "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" in the compatibility properties of file cspace.exe. It should work...

© Djinn Works. Last modified: 05.25.20 21:14 +0200