- His / Her origin, its educational background and its work experience.
- Related how they met MUNDUSFOR, their motivation to study it and the influence of it for her / his professional future.
- They share other ideas, concepts and impressions.
Our students talk about
Erasmus Mundus Mundusfor
The Master Degree intends to provide the acquisition of several competencies that will enable the student to: reflect over education and its diverse dimensions in Europe and in the world; have an attitude toward research aimed at the improvement of professional practice; manage and lead educational services and programmes; design, implement and evaluate intervention strategies in the education of professional educators; be a proficient mentor in consultancy in different areas of education of professionals.
- The context of education and professions.
- Evaluation for improvements in education.
- Management of education.
- Guidance and counselling.
- Innovation.
- Thesis: Research on professional practice.
- Seminar for academic and social integration of students and academic staff.
For more details see Courses.
Admission Criteria
The Master Degree offers a university training of excellence aimed at graduates coming from different disciplines, who are willing to start a professional career in the field of education of prefessional in education within diferent contexts, as well as student of a degree with pedagogical academic contents, such as Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy (Education Phychology), Teaching, Social Education and others. The Master Degree is also targeted at professionals from various disciplines working as trainers of professionals in the fields of Law, Economics, Medicine, Engeneering, etc.
The students interested in applying must hold a degree in higher education, equivalent to 180 ETCS.
The students will have to be a proficient ina least two languages (TOEFL or similar certificates required), depending on the chosen path of mobility and/or selected specialisation. The admission criteria are based on a combination of academic records, prefessional experience, professional motivation and social competencies.
- Akershus - English
- Granada and Tarragona - Spanish
- Porto - Portuguese
- Reims - French
Tuition Fees and Scholarships
Student for Thirth Country and European Country can apply for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship depending of differents rules of acceptance classified in Category A an Category B.
European students and non European students can apply to be granted a place to take the master course without an ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarship.
Mundusfor Master grant access and gives registration fees free for those European student with the best academic records and without Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. Also, European students can apply for a scholarship at the University in witch they start the study programme.
For more details see Scholarships.