Staff from Universidad de Granada

Maria del Carmen Lopez has a Ph.D. in Pedagogy and has been a University professor in Granada since 2003. She has carried out several projects and has written a great deal of articles about topics as varied as teaching in multicultural environments and the professional profile of the teacher that works with students who come from different cultural backgrounds

The professor Maria Purificación, with a Ph.D. in Pedagogy, has worked in the Department of Teaching and School Organization (University of Granada) since 1994. She has written several articles about the professional development of the teacher and has cooperated with the Diccionario Enciclopédico de Didáctica [Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the Methods of Teaching].

D. Antonio Bolívar, with a Ph.D. in Education, has published hundreds of articles in specialized magazines and a score of books about moral education in citizenship, formation and professional development of the teaching staff and organizational development of schools, among others. Furthermore, he is the director of the magazine Profesorado and is the President of the Asociación para el Desarrollo y la Mejora Escolar [Association for School Development and Improvement].

With a Ph.D. in Education since 1995, he has been professor at the University of Granada since 1999. He has cooperated with several books published in Argentina, Brasil and Spain, such as Desarrollo staffal y formación (1999) [staffal development and formation]. He is the director of the Research Group FORCE, focused on the research on teaching formation.

With a Ph.D. in Education, the professor Enriqueta has cooperated in several research projects related to the improvement of the organization in educational centres, the professional development of the teacher and Blended-learning in education. She has also contributed with her articles in several books, such as the Enciclopedia de Educación Infantil (2003)[Encylopaedia of Children’s Education] and Diccionario de la Didáctica (2004) [Dictionary of the Methods of Teaching].

Ph.D. Maria José León has been professor at the University of Granada since 1996. She has taken part in several research projects carried out by the Ministry of Education, for example, on the formation of the university student and the codes of deontology in the profession. She has also contributed with her articles in several education magazines, such as Bordón and Profesorado.

María Jesús has a Ph.D. in Education since 1993 by the University of Granada (Spain) and started to work in the Faculty of Educational Sciences in 1988. As professor and researcher, she has directed several research projects related to the ICT in Education and b-Learning and Teacher Education. She has written many articles in educational magazines and papers in many Conferences, focus on the research on ICT in Education, for example, e-Learning 2007 and eUniverSALearning 2008.