The teaching in the Mundusfor Master Program is specially oriented to education professionals in any context (enterprise, educational institution, higher education and University, social institution, non governmental organization, teacher training centre, local government or educational administration) looking for an applied knowledge base to improve their professional performance.
Also this program offers the possibility of obtaining a professional specialization on Education of formation Professionals to those graduated students under a psycho-pedagogical profile.
The team work carried out by the students allows working professionals contributing with their practical knowledge to the contents of the program, at the same time graduated students with a psycho-pedagogical training can enrich the subjects with their updated knowledge.
The multidisciplinary composition of the teaching staff and its international nature, as well as multicultural and geographical diversity of the students selected enhance the comparative vision of policies, organizational axes and intervention models on education of professionals of education give an added value to the teaching.
For all these we welcome in our program:
Active professionals seeking for professional improvement, newly graduated students looking for a specialization coming from any part of the world. After graduating, the students have the support of the Erasmus Alumni association to manage their professional insertion or reinsertion or to continue their doctorate studies in any of the five universities of the consortium which would facilitate their access to these programs.
Students for Academic Period 2010-2012

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