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Mundusfor consortium selects every year several scholars coming form non European countries that for their scientific knowledge or their high professional specialization in the context of education and education professionals training or both enrich or master program teaching staff.

The scholars visiting our universities as guest scholars give our students the opportunity to know their discourse and experiences form other parts of the world so as to have a wider and real view of education worldwide and also put them in contact with non European universities and centres of professional excellence.

4th Ed. (2010-2011)     3th Ed. (2009-2010)     2th Ed. (2008-2009)     1th Ed. (2007-2008)

Scholars for Academic Period 2010-2011

Ana Lucia Frega ANA LUCIA FREGA:

Argentina. CAECE.

María Teresa Martínez MARIA TERESE MARTINEZ:

Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta.

Sara Castellanos SARA CASTELLANOS:

CUBA. Universidad de Cienfuegos.

Information | Información | Information | Informação
Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales
Complejo Administrativo Triunfo | Universidad de Granada | Cuesta del Hospicio s/n. | 18071 Granada, España
Phone: (+34) 958 249 030 | Fax: (+34) 958 243 009 | E-mail: mundusfor@ugr.es
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Update | Actualizado | Mettre & jour | Atualizar : 06/12/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)