idioma idioma UGR

History of Occupational Health

History of Occupational Health is my main research focus. I have been engaged in four research projects, three of them as principal investigator. In my PhD thesis (University of Granada, 1992) I explored workplace hazards and the role played by healthcare facilities and professionals in pre-industrial mercury mines in Almaden, a Spanish state-owned company that has been the world’s largest mercury producer and exporter for the past 450 years. I have also explored the professionalization of Occupational Medicine and the approach to occupational diseases such as silicosis, hookworm and asbestos-related diseases in contemporary Spain

Department of History of Science. Faculty of Medicine
Avda. de Madrid, 11. E-18012 Granada (Spain)
Telephone: +34 958 243512 Fax: +34 958 246116
Facultad Medicina
Diseño y Desarrollo web: AreaBinaria