Welcome to our website. Here you can find information about us, such as our publications, our members and other stuff. If you are looking for information related to cost shift of mental set and its applications to:

a) Applied Attention Psychology (in Decision making, reasoning, experts errors, the relationship between vote intention and real vote in political elections…).

b) Neuropsychology of Attention (mental set reconfiguration in schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, stuttering, neglect…).

c) Consciousness studies (synesthesia and art, mirror neurons applications, thought supression, tickle studies, flow experience…), check our sections.

We sincerely thank you for your visit. Our research interests are multiple because we consider like Tolman that the most important thing is to enjoy the data (but overall the idea).

Las metáforas hacen ciencia

Article (in Spanish):
Peer Review: ¿Garantía de la calidad de la investigación científica?

Additional drawings on this web by Isabel Bustamante, illustrator of the book The puzzle of the brain: conciousness.

Carta de bienvenida: Haciendo el mono por la rama intelectual

¿Qué es la reconfiguración mental ?

Diseño: Pensamientos Divergentes
Additional illustrations: Isabel Bustamante