Generated by OntoTerm. Updated: 28/08/2002 3:23:51


check date: 24/08/2001
checker: Pamela
subject field: medicine: drugs
origination date: 08/02/2001
originator: Mercedes
input date: 03/12/2001
inputter: Arianne

Conceptual Structures

cisplatindefinition: alkylating anticancer drug used in the treatment of germ tumors of testis, ovary, endometrial, cerviical, bladder, head and neck, gastrointestinal and lung carcinomas, as well as soft-tissue sarcomas. Possible side effects are severe and often intractable vomiting together with prolonged nausea, and renal tubular damage with irreversible nephrotoxicity. Intravenous administration. (en)
term type: main entry term
part of speech: noun
number: mass
reliability code: 10
context (x): I_cispla.txt

origination date: 23/01/2002
originator: Arianne
Platinolcommercial restriction: trade name
geographical usage: USA (es)
part of speech: noun
number: mass
cross-reference: definition: CISPLATIN

term type: synonym
reliability code: 10
CDDPterm type: acronym
reliability code: 10
part of speech: noun
number: mass
definition: Ref.cruzada con def de cisplatin (en)
context (x): I_cispla.txt

origination date: 23/01/2002
originator: Arianne
DDPdefinition: Ref.cruzada con def de cisplatin (en)
number: mass
part of speech: noun
reliability code: 10
term type: acronym
context (x): I_cispla.txt

origination date: 23/01/2002
originator: Arianne

cisplatinoterm type: main entry term
part of speech: noun
gender: masculine
number: mass
definition: fármaco alquilante antineoplásico, utilizado para el tratamiento del tumor germinal de testículo, carcinoma de ovario y en otros tumores genitourinarios: cérvix, endometrio, carcinoma de pulmón mircrocítico y no microcítico, carcinoma de cabeza y cuello, sarcoma de tejidos blandos. Los efectos secundarios más comunes son náuseas y vómitos agudos, toxicidad tubular y nefrotoxicidad crónica, que sólo es parcialmente reversible. Administración intravenosa. (es)
reliability code: 10
context (x): E_cispla.txt

origination date: 23/01/2002
originator: Arianne
Platinolcommercial restriction: trade name
cross-reference: definition: CISPLATIN

part of speech: noun
gender: masculine
number: mass
geographical usage: España (es)
term type: synonym
reliability code: 10
Cisplatino Funkgender: masculine
part of speech: noun
number: mass
geographical usage: España (es)
commercial restriction: trade name
cross-reference: definition: CISPLATIN

term type: synonym
reliability code: 10