- The context of education and professions.
- Evaluation for improvements of education.
- Management of education.
- Guidance and counselling.
- Innovation.
- Research on professional practice.
- Seminar for academic and social integration of students, scholars and academic staff.
- Training programme in institutions, service organisations and enterprises.
- Development and implementation of the research project about professional practice.
Distribution of common and specializations modules, practices and research
First Semester: Common Modules.
- Contextualisation and professionalisation. 6 ECTS
- Evaluation for improvements of education. 6 ECTS
- Management of education. 6 ECTS
- Guidance and counselling. 6 ECTS
- Innovation. 6 ECTS
- Research about professional practice of educators. 7 ECTS
- Contextualisation and professionalisation 7 ECTS
- Evaluation for the improvement of education 7 ECTS
- Management of education 7 ECTS
- Consultancy 7 ECTS
- Innovation 7 ECTS
- Research about profesional practices of educators 6 ECTS
- Praticum in institutions, services, entreprises, structures.10 ECTS
- Praticum in institutions, service organisations and enterprises.10 ECTS
- Research project about professional practice.20 ECTS
- Orientation and Integration Seminar. 2 ECTS
Speciality per university
HIAK, Akershus University College (Norway)
- Speciality: Teacher education for technical and vocational education and training.
UGR, Universidad de Granada (España)
- Especialidad: Formación para la enseñanza superior.
UP, Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- Especialidade: Desenvolvimento local e formação de adultos.
URCA, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne (France)
- Spécialité: Formation d’enseignants, de formateurs en entreprises et de consultants.
URV, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Espa馻)
- Especialización: Formación y Gestión de Recursos Humanos.