Antequera with a woman's name. Routes through the town

The project has supervised this guide of Antequera. The book offers three different itineraries through the town. The first one is focused on women's labour activities and their spaces inside the township. The second one is devoted to the role of women within the urban and architectonic development. At this point, it has been considered that women had both the roles of users and promoters. For its part, the last route goes over the sites connected with the woman's local religiosity.

Every route offered a different approximation to the place through diverse historical periods. Likewise, a fourth itinerary is proposed focusing on discovering the local women thanks to some object displayed in the Municipal Museum. This is not a regular tour; it can be considered a singular alternative that, thanks to selected pieces, provides us a new approach to women's life, experiences and artistic sphere.

Finally, a brief explanation of streets with women's names or in relation with women's environment is presented. In this respect, it is easy to see how despite women having usually been forgotten of the town's memory, Antequera somewhat has a woman's name.

International Conference [october, 3rd-5th, 2013]



The conference is organized in the framework of two research projects:
- Proyecto de Excelencia de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía, with reference HUM5709, directed by Mª Elena Díez and started inMarch2011.
- Proyecto I+D+i del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, referencia HAR2011- 29963, directed by Julio Navarro and started in January

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Congreso [19-21 de Octubre de 2012] Descargar convocatoria. Descargar cartel. Descarga programa provisional

Our project is taking part in the congress organized by the Association for the Study of Childhood in the Past, which this year is devoted to spaces: Children and their living spaces. Sharing spaces, sharing experiences.19th– 21st October 2012

Colaboración del proyecto GENARQ. The 2012 Sixth International Conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past Children and their living spaces. Sharing spaces, sharing experiences. 19th– 21st October 2012 . Granada (Spain)

Call for papers The 2012 Autumn conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past will be held in the University of Granada, Spain from Friday 19 th to Sunday 21rst of October, when the theme will be Children and their living spaces. Sharing spaces, sharing experiences . As in previous years, the conference will include sessions addressing the conference theme and other aspects of recent research into children and childhood in the past. In 2012, the themed sessions will pretend to bring together scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines including History, Archaeology, Literature, Sociology, Anthropology and Architecture to consider different aspects of children and the use of space in the past,

-children's use of space within the home, rules and negotiating processes; places used solely by children; places for learning and/or playing;

-how children construct their own spaces and how they share the spaces with other adults;

-children and the funerary spaces;

-children and their workplaces and conditions;

-how children´ spaces can be visible in archaeological records, texts or architecture;

-children´s places at museums;

As in previous ones, SSCIP Conference aims to widen knowledge and generate new perspectives on existing knowledge about childhood in the past and to stimulate new avenues for future research. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Spanish during the conference. Abstracts in English (200 words) must be submitted by the 1st of September 2012 via email to Margarita Sánchez Romero: To find out more and to register for the conference, visit or or contact Dr Margarita Sanchez Romero at

Lecture [15th December 2011]
Dra. Consuelo Lollobrigida (Università Sapienza di Roma)
“Plautilla Bricci, a woman architect of the baroque-style in Rome”

One of the important aspects of the methodology of this project is to be able to share experiences with eminent academics working in this field. With this in mind we invited Ms Consuelo Lollobrigida, from the Università Sapienza di Roma, to give a lecture entitled “Plautilla Bricci, a woman architect of the baroque-style in Rome”. Plautilla Bricci is considered to be the first woman architect who signed and executed projects in a documented way, and is therefore very important and directly related to our project, in which one of the main aims is to visualize the role of women in architecture.

As a means of sharing the cost with the Department of History of Art of the University of Granada, it was decided to invite this professor to speak as part of the Official Masters Course organized by said Department [Máster Oficial de Historia del Arte: conocimiento y tutela del Patrimonio Histórico]


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