Dra. Ana Aranda Bernal (Profesora Titular, Universidad Pablo Olavide, Sevilla)
Art historian and specialist in art and gender in the transition between the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age.

Dr. Juan Manuel Barrios Rozúa (ProfesorTitular, University of Granada)
Art historian and specialist in architecture of the 19th and early 20th Centuries.

Dra. Margarita Birriel Salcedo (Profesora Titular, University of Granada)
Historian and specialist in gender and ethnic relations during the Early Modern Age.
Dra. Mª Elena Díez Jorge (Profesora Titular, University of Granada)
Art historian and specialist in multicultural and gender relations in architecture above all in the Mudejar period.
Dra. Carmen Gregorio Gil (Profesora Titular, University of Granada)
Social anthropologist and specialist in the feminist anthropology of contemporary migrations and citizenship.
Dr. Carlos Hernández Pezzi (Professional architect)
Architect and specialist in contemporary cities and dwellings from a gender perspective.
Dra. Manuela Marín Niño (Until her retirement in 2011 she was a Research Professor at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid)
Arabist and specialist in women in al-Andalus.
Dra. Therese Martin (Científica Titular, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid)
Art historian and specialist in patronage by women in mediaeval architecture.
therese.martin@cchs.csic.es | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Dra. Cándida Martínez López (Profesora Titular, University of Granada)
Historian and specialist in the study of women in the ancient world and in the Roman era in particular.
Dra. Christine Mazzoli-Guintard (Profesora Titular, University of Nantes, France)
Historian and specialist in the cities of al-Andalus.
Dra. Yolanda Olmedo Sánchez (Profesora Titular, University of Cordoba)
Art Historian and specialist in the baroque architecture of Andalusia.
Dra. Margarita Sánchez Romero (Profesora Titular, University of Granada)
Archaeologist and specialist in archaeology and gender in recent prehistory.
marsanch@ugr.es l www.webgea.es
Dr. Felipe Serrano Estrella (Assistant Professor, University of Jaén)
Art Historian and specialist in mendicant orders in the Early Modern Age.
© 2011-2015 Excellence Project HUM 5709