The study of various geotemporal cases of architecture in Andalusia from a gender perspective. The main objective is to analyse and visualize the historical constants and variables of gender in architectural practice. For this purpose we have carefully selected a number of architectural spaces of particular importance in the history of the architecture of Andalusia.

Application of the gender perspective in its broadest sense. For this purpose it is necessary to interrelate the assigned symbolic and theoretical constructs with the real practice and experiences of the men and women of the time.

Analysis of the complexity of the assignment of spaces: transgressions and social praxis. Our aim here is to emphasize the complexity of societies and of the way they use space in an attempt to overcome the traditional dichotomy between the public and the private domain.

Visualization of the contributions made by women in architectural practice. Women have made important contributions to architecture as patrons, in design, in collective work in workshops or studies, on the building site, and as architects. The practice of architecture by women must be visualized within its historical context and must therefore be related to and compared with the contributions made by men.

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