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Master Curriculum

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The Master in European Constitutional Law is designed to offer an in-depth study of the convergence of constitutional elements present in the European integration process. Thus, it begins with a course on the Methodology of European Constitutional Law and then it is followed by several other courses which cover topics of European Constitutional Law, such as: fundamental rights; the economic constitution of the Union; relationships between the different legal orders; the constitutional competences of the members states and the EU; and the impact of European Law on the territorial articulation of the Member States and their governments.

Since the academic year of 2009-2010, the Master has been offered in Spanish and in English.


Seminar Module (40 Credits Mandatory):

1. The Lisbon Treaty and the EU Constitutionalisation Process.
2. The EU and Fundamental rights: Recognition and Guarantees.
3. Methodology of European Constitutional Law.
4. Judicial Power of the EU.
5. The EU Form of Government.
6. The EU Economic Constitution
7. Constitutional Justice in the EU.
8. The Relationship between the Different Legal Orders.
9. The Application of European Law in Decentralized Member states

10. The Contents and Limits of the Fundamental Rights of the Charter
European Constitutional Law and Globalisation

In addition to the above-mentioned courses, students have to prepare a written dissertation (20 credits), in which they have to analyse one of the following lines of research:

I. Sources of Law in the new European Context
II. The Constitutionalisation of Fundamental Rights in the EU
III. The Economic Constitution and the EU
IV. Territorial Distribution of Power in the EU
V. Functional Distribution of Power in the EU

The written dissertation must be original in topic and content; its length must be between 70 and 150 pages. The time frame for presenting work before the panel is as follows: September of the same year the student has finished the seminar module OR December of the same year the student has finished the seminar module OR September of the following year the student finished the seminar module.
Please note: before the dissertation can be presented it must first be submitted to an adviser at least one month before the planned presentation date. No presentation date will be set until the dissertation has been submitted to your adviser. Specifically, if the participant wishes to present his or her dissertation in September, the work must be turned in to his or her adviser during the first part of July. If the participant wishes to present his or her dissertation in December, he or she must then hand in the final dissertation to the adviser no later than the first half of November.
The panel of judges will evaluate the research, taking into account the topic, the content of the study, and the investigative resources used. Under no circumstances can the adviser cannot be part of the panel of judges.






Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Mandatory/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

This course is intended to give students a basic understanding of the most important issues currently being raised in European Constitutional Law with regard to the constitutionalisation process of the EU.

The course will examine the current state of the constitutional process, the debate on the need for a European Constitution, the process of elaborating and ratifying the Constitutional Treaty, and the crisis of the Constitutional Treaty which finishes with the enforcement of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009 .

Specific Course Contents:

I. European Constitutional Law as a Scientific Subject
II. The European Constitution in the Historic Process of European Integration
III. The Constituent Process in Europe
IV. Assessment of the Constitutional Treaty
V. The Crisis of the Constitutional Treaty
VI. The European Council in Brussels on the 21st and 22nd of June 2007
VII. The Lisbon Treaty.


- ALBERTÍ ROVIRA, Enoch (dir.): El proyecto de nueva Constitución Europea, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2004.
- ALONSO GARCIA, Ricardo: Las sentencias básicas del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas, CEPC, Madrid, 2003.
- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, Miguel: El Tribunal Constitucional ante el control del Derecho Comunitario derivado. Editorial Civitas, Madrid, 2002.
- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, Miguel: <<Las relaciones entre el Derecho de la Unión y el Derecho del Estado a la luz de la Constitución Europea>>, ReDCE, nº 1, Jenuary-June de. 2004. Available:
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: Fuentes del Derecho (I. Principios del ordenamiento constitucional), Tecnos, Madrid, 1991.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: Fuentes del Derecho (II. Ordenamiento general del Estado y ordenamientos autonómicos), Tecnos, Madrid, 1992.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<La constitucionalización de la Unión Europea y la articulación de los ordenamientos europeo y estatal>>, in AAVV El constitucionalismo en la crisis del Estado social, Miguel Angel García Herrera (dir.), Universidad del País Vasco, 1997.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<Fuentes del derecho, espacios constitucionales y ordenamientos jurídicos>>, Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, núm. 69, 2003.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<Las competencias de la Unión Europea y los principios de subsidiariedad y proporcionalidad>> in Revista de Estudios Autonómicos, nº 4, Julio-Diciembre de 2003 (publicated on December of 2004), pp. 9-30.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, <<Niveles y técnicas internacionales e internas de realización de los derechos en Europa. Una perspectiva constitucional>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 1, 2004. Available:
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<El sistema de fuentes en la Constitución Europea >>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 2, 2004. Dirección electrónica:
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<La configuración normativa de principios y derechos constitucionales en la Constitución europea>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 4, Julio-Diciembre de 2005, pp. 109-222. Available:
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<La Constitución Europea: forma y contenido, ciudadanos y Estados en la construcción del sistema de fuentes de la Unión Europea>>, Revista de Derecho Político, n. 64, UNED, monografich number regarding the European Constitutional Treaty (I) Madrid, 2005, pp. 121-141.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<El debate constitucional en la UE ¿Hacia una Constitución de la Unión Europea?>>, in Miguel A. García Herrera (ed.) Constitución y Democracia. 25 años de Constitución democrática en España, CEPC-UPV, Bilbao, 2006, Vol. II, pp. 15-24.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<Los Tribunales Constitucionales en el proceso de integración europea>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 7, January-June, 2007. Available:
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: Capítulo IX (Derecho Constitucional Europeo) en Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordinador), Gregorio Cámara Villar, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, María Luisa Balaguer Callejón, José Antonio Montilla Martos, Manual de Derecho Constitucional, 2ª edición, Vol. I, Tecnos, Madrid, 2007.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<La Constitución Europea tras el Consejo Europeo de Bruselas y el Tratado de Lisboa>>, ReDCE, nº. 8, July-December, 2007. Available:
- CABO MARTÍN, Carlos de: La reforma constitucional en las perspectiva de las fuentes del Derecho, Trotta, Madrid, 2003.
- FREIXES, Teresa: <<La europeización de los derechos fundamentales>>, in Paola Bilancia/Eugenio de Marco (ed.), La tutela Multilivello dei diritti, Giuffrè, 2004.
- GRIMM, DIETER: <<¿Necesita Europa una Constitución?>> Debats, n. 55, 1996.
- HÄBERLE, Peter: <<Derecho constitucional común europeo>>, REP, n. 79, 1993. In:
- HÄBERLE, Peter: <<El Estado constitucional Europeo>>, in Cuestiones Constitucionales. Revista Mexicana de Derecho Constitucional. nº 2, Mexico, Enero-Junio de 2000. In:
- HÄBERLE, Peter: <<Europa como comunidad constitucional en desarrollo>>, ReDCE, nº1, 2004. Available:
- HÄBERLE, Peter: ¿Tienen España y Europa una Constitución?, Fundación El Monte, Sevilla, 2004.
- HÄBERLE, Peter: << La Constitución de la Unión Europea de junio de 2004 en el foro de la Doctrina del Derecho constitucional europeo>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 2, 2004. Available:
- HABERMAS, JÜRGEN: <<¿Necesita Europa una Constitución?>>, in
- SÁNCHEZ BARRILAO, Juan Francisco: <<Relaciones entre el Derecho de la Unión Europea y el Derecho de los Estados miembros>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 2, 2004. Available:
- PERNICE, INGOLF: <<Multilevel Constitutionalism and the Treaty of Amsterdam: European Constitution-Making revisited?>>, in Common Market Law Review, 36, 1999. In:
- WEILER, JOSEPH H.H.: <<El principio de tolerancia constitucional: la dimensión espiritual de la integración europea>>, in Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Coordinador) Derecho constitucional y cultura. Estudios en Homenaje a Peter Häberle, Tecnos, Madrid, 2004 .

Methodology and Evaluation:

The initial sessions of this course will consist of instructor presentations of the content covered in their corresponding part of the course. The professors will present the issues, directing the discussion toward critical thinking and debate amongst the class. In these initial sessions students will also be given assignments to do in preparation for their own individual presentation, which will be presented in class in the sessions to follow.

Grades for this course will be based on student participation and the degree of elaboration and development the student demonstrates in their individual presentation .




Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

The overall objective of this course is to describe and analyse the evolution process of the recognition of fundamental rights and freedoms and their gradual evolution in European Law. In light of this subject, we also assess the role those fundamental rights and freedoms play in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the future the Charter itself holds.

Specific objectives:

• The constitutive treaties and their judicial interpretation

• Study the meaning of fundamental rights in the legal orders of democratic states, in the international legal order, and in the legal order of the EU

• Understanding the relationship between the doctrine of the ECJ and the constitutional courts of the member states, notably Germany, Italy, and Spain

• Analysis of the Treaty on EU, the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Treaty of Nice

• Analysis of the EU constitutionalisation process

• Analysis of the Lisbon Treaty

• Study and analysis of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

• Study mechanisms for the protection of fundamental rights in European Union Law - the multilevel protection of the rights and the interrelations between jurisdictions.

Specific Course Contents:

Part One.

General Approach: EU and fundamental rights in the relationship between legal orders. Historical development. The foundational treaties and their legal interpretation: phases. The Treaty on the European Union. The Treaty of Amsterdam. The European Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Constitutional Treaty - its current situation and its future. Conclusions.

Part Two.

The constitutional dimension of the EU. Fundamental rights in the European integration process. The constitutional meaning of the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The work of the conventions. Conclusions. The Charter and the Lisbon Treaty.


- AGUDO ZAMORA, M.: "La protección de los derechos en la Unión Europea. Claves para entender la evolución histórica desde el Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Económica Europea al Tratado por el que se establece una Constitución para Europa". Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 4.
- ALONSO GARCÍA, R.: "Derechos fundamentales y Comunidades Europeas". Estudios sobre la Constitución Española. Homenaje al Prf. García de Enterría., Vol. II, Madrid, Civitas, 1991.
- ÁLVAREZ CONDE, E. y GARRIDO MAYOL, V. (Dirs.): Comentarios a la Constitución Europea. Libro II. Los derechos y Libertades. Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2004.
- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, M.: "La cultura constitucional de la Unión Europea. Análisis del artículo 6 TUE". In F. Balaguer (Coord.): Derecho Constitucional y Cultura. Estudios en homenaje a Peter Häberle. Madrid, Tecnos, 2004.
- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, Miguel: El Tribunal Constitucional ante el control del Derecho Comunitario derivado. Editorial Civitas, Madrid, 2002.
- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, Miguel: <<Las relaciones entre el Derecho de la Unión y el Derecho del Estado a la luz de la Constitución Europea>>, ReDCE, nº 1, January-June, 2004 available in:
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<La constitucionalización de la Unión Europea y la articulación de los ordenamientos europeo y estatal>>, in AAVV El constitucionalismo en la crisis del Estado social, Miguel Angel García Herrera (dir.), Universidad del País Vasco, 1997.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<Fuentes del derecho, espacios constitucionales y ordenamientos jurídicos>>, Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, núm. 69, 2003.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: "Derecho y Derechos en la Unión Europea". En J. Corcuera Atienza (Coord.): La protección de los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea. Madrid, Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati/Dykinson, 2002.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: "La configuración normativa de principios y derechos constitucionales en la Constitución europea". Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 4.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<Niveles y técnicas internacionales e internas de realización de los derechos en Europa. Una perspectiva constitucional>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 1, 2004. Available in:
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: <<Los Tribunales Constitucionales en el proceso de integración europea>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 7, Jenuary-June, 2007. Available in:
- BIGLINO CAMPOS, P.: "De qué hablamos en Europa cuando hablamos de derechos fundamentales". Revista de Estudios Políticos, nº 97, July-September, 1997.
- CÁMARA VILLAR, G.: "Los derechos fundamentales en el proceso histórico de construcción de la Unión Europea y su valor en el Tratado constitucional". Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 4.
- CARRILLO, M.: "La Unión Europea ante los derechos fundamentales". En La democracia constitucional. Estudios en homenaje al Profesor Francisco Rubio Llorente. Congreso de los Diputados/Tribunal Constitucional/Universidad Complutense de Madrid/Fundación Ortega y Gasset/ Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, 2002, Vol. II.
- CHUECA SANCHO, Á.: Los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea. Barcelona, Bosch, 1999.
- CORCUERA ATIENZA, J. (Coord.): La protección de los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea. Madrid, Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati/Dykinson, 2002.
- CRUZ VILLALÓN, P.: La Constitución inédita (Estudios ante la constitucionalización de Europa). Madrid, Editorial Trotta, 2004.
- DÍAZ CREGO, M.: "Los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea: de la Carta a la Constitucion". Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2002-2003.
- DÍEZ PICAZO, L. M.: "¿Una Constitución sin declaración de derechos?. (Reflexiones constitucionales sobre los derechos fundamentales en la Comunidad Europea)". Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, nº 32, 1991.
- FREIXES SANJUÁN, T.: "La integración en Europa y el refuerzo de las garantías de los derechos fundamentales". Revista Europea de Derechos Fundamentales, nº 1, 2003.
- FREIXES SANJUÁN, Teresa: <<La europeización de los derechos fundamentales>>, in Paola Bilancia/Eugenio de Marco (ed.), La tutela Multilivello dei diritti, Giuffrè, 2004.
- FREIXES SANJUÁN, Teresa:"La igualdad entre mujeres y hombres en el proceso de integración europea". In VV.AA. Mujer y Constitución en España. Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2000.
- FREIXES SANJUÁN, Teresa: "Derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea. Evolución y prospectiva: la construcción de un espacio jurídico europeo de los derechos fundamentales". Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 4. Available in:
- GARCÍA ROCA. F.J.: "Originario y derivado en el contenido de la Carta de los derechos fundamentales de la Unión Europea: los test de constitucionalidad y convencionalidad". Revista de Estudios Políticos, nº 119, 2003.
- HÄBERLE, Peter: <<Derecho constitucional común europeo>>, REP, n. 79, 1993.
- HÄBERLE, Peter: <<El Estado constitucional Europeo>>, in Cuestiones Constitucionales. Revista Mexicana de Derecho Constitucional. nº 2, Mexico, Jenuary-June, 2000.
- HÄBERLE, Peter: <<Europa como comunidad constitucional en desarrollo>>, ReDCE, nº1, 2004. Available in:
- HÄBERLE, Peter: ¿Tienen España y Europa una Constitución?, Fundación El Monte, Sevilla, 2004.
- HÄBERLE, Peter: << La Constitución de la Unión Europea de junio de 2004 en el foro de la Doctrina del Derecho constitucional europeo>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 2, 2004. Available in:
- LÓPEZ CASTILLO, A.: "Algunas consideraciones en torno a la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea". Revista de Derecho Político, nº 113, July-Septiembre, 2001.
- LÓPEZ CASTILLO, ANTONIO:"Derechos fundamentales y Estatuto de ciudadanía en el Tratado Constitucional de la Unión". Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 4.
- MANGAS MARTÍN, A.: "La ciudadanía de la Unión y su estatuto". Capítulo 21 de la Obra de A. Mangas Martín y D. J. Liñán Nogueras: Instituciones y Derecho de la Unión Europea. Madrid, Tecnos, 2004.
- MATIA PORTILLA, J. (Dir.): La protección de los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea. Madrid, Civitas, 2002.
- OLIVER LEÓN, B. : "La Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea en el debate constitucional europeo". Revista de Estudios Políticos, nº 119, 2003.
- PÉREZ VERA, E.: "El Tratado de la U.E. y los derechos humanos". R.I.E., nº 2, 1993.
- PÉREZ VERA, Elisa: "La Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea". in VV.AA. : Los derechos humanos. Libro Homenaje a Luis Portero García (J.M. Zugaldía y E. Roca (Coords.). Granada, 2001.
- PI LLORENS, M.: Los derechos fundamentales en el ordenamiento comunitario. Barcelona, Ariel, 1999.
- RIDOLA, P.: "La Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea y el desarrollo del constitucionalismo europeo". In F. Balaguer (Coord.): Derecho Constitucional y Cultura. Estudios en homenaje a Peter Häberle. Madrid, Tecnos, 2004.
- ROBLES MORCHÓN, G.: Los derechos fundamentales en la Comunidad Europea. CEURA, Madrid, 1988.
- RODRÍGUEZ, A.: Integración europea y derechos fundamentales. Madrid, Civitas, 2001.
- RODRÍGUEZ IGLESIAS, G.C. y VALLE GÁLVEZ, A.: "El derecho comunitario y las relaciones entre el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos y los Tribunales Constitucionales nacionales". Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 2, Vol. I, July/December, 1997.
- ROLDÁN BARBERO, J.: "La Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la UE: Su estatuto constitucional". Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, núm. 16.
- ROLLA, G.: "Técnicas de codificación y cláusulas de interpretación de los derechos fundamentales. Algunas consideraciones a propósito de la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea". Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, nº 4.
- RUBIO LLORENTE, F.: "El constitucionalismo de los Estados integrados de Europa". Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, nº 48, September-diciembre, 1996.
- RUBIO LLORENTE, F: "Mostrar los derechos sin destruir la Unión (consideraciones sobre la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea)". Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, nº 64, 2002.
- RUBIO LLORENTE, F.: Los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea y el estatuto de la Carta. Generalitat de Catalunya. Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics. Barcelona, 2004.
- RUIZ MIGUEL, C.: "Los derechos fundamentales en la relación entre el Derecho Comunitario y el Ordenamiento Nacional". Revista Administración de Andalucía, nº 13, enero-marzo, 1993.
- RUIZ MIGUEL, C: "El largo y tortuoso camino hacia la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea". Revista Europea de Derechos Fundamentales, nº 2, 2º semestre de 2003.
- SALINAS DE FRÍAS, A.: La protección de los Derechos Fundamentales en la Unión Europea. Granada, Editorial Comares, 2000.
- SÁNCHEZ BARRILAO, Juan Francisco: <<Relaciones entre el Derecho de la Unión Europea y el Derecho de los Estados miembros>>, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 2, 2004. Available in:
SOUTO PAZ, J.A.: "La constitucionalización de los derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea". Revista Europea de Derechos Fundamentales, nº 1, 2003.
- WEBER, A.: "La Carta europea de derechos fundamentales y la protección nacional de los derechos fundamentales". En La democracia constitucional. Estudios en homenaje al Profesor Francisco Rubio Llorente. Congreso de los Diputados/Tribunal Constitucional/Universidad Complutense de Madrid/Fundación Ortega y Gasset/ Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, 2002, Vol. II.
- WEBER, Albrecht: “El control del Tratado de Maastricht por la jurisdicción constitucional desde una perspectiva comparada”, Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 45, pp. 31-52
- WEILER, J.: “Eurocracy and distrust: Some questions concerning the Role of the European Court of Justice in the Protection of Fundamental Rights”, Washington Law Review, pp. 1103.1142.

Methodology and Evaluation:

The first part of the course “The EU and Fundamental Rights” will be divided into 4 sessions. Each class will last 4 hours, for a total of 16 hours of in-classroom analysis and debate. The remaining hours will be self-study oriented.

During the first two days of the course, Professor Cámara will present the theory corresponding to the first part of the course, giving a general overview of the content. In the subsequent sessions, Dr. Oliver will present the theoretical content for the second part of the course using the same methodology.

Active participation as well as critical analysis and debate are expected from all students. Attendance is imperative and students should be fully prepared, having done all assignments recommended in the bibliography and any other assignments deemed necessary for the preparation of each session. Grades for this course will be based on attendance as well as student participation in the debates.

The second part consists of more practical content, and as a result, students will be expected to give presentations on ECJ decisions and on other topics as assigned. The work is to be developed over the length of the second part of the course and in the end presented and discussed in a group setting. Accordingly, each student will be assigned his or her corresponding task at the end of the first part of the course.

As an additional part of the course, Professors Rolla from the University of Genoa and Michael from the University of Dusseldorf, and whose session will be in English, will present the following topics:

- The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU: Codification Technique and Comparative Analysis of the European Convention of Human Rights and National Constitutions
- The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the Multilevel Protection of Rights: the relationship between the different legal orders and the relationship between the different judicial systems

Special consideration will be given to the evaluation process as follows:

• Attendance of the different class meetings
• Reading and analysis of the doctrinal texts, judgments, and other materials assigned by teachers
• Participation in the debates and effort put into course
• Preparation of a final essay or commentary on any topics of the course

Professors Cámara and Oliver will evaluate students according to the material they have respectively assigned, taking into consideration the observations of Professor Rolla. The final grade will be the average of the grades submitted by all three professors.

Students can access the SWAD (online access) platform where they can find all necessary information, including literature, web links, and other materials. There, students may also participate in online discussions and emailing in order to take full advantage of the course.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Methodological/Mandatory/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

The course is divided into two distinct parts. In the first part, students are introduced to the instrumental methodology currently used in the study of European Constitutional Law; this includes the use of databases, electronic publications, websites, and other technologies. Specifically, this part of the course is designed to give students the basic groundwork and tools they need to complete the dissertation.

The second part of the course takes a more theoretical approach, and its intention is to focus on the difficulties of constitutional law in the treatment of the European integration process. In order to do this, we first examine the normative constitution - the basic framework of contemporary constitutional law. Afterwards we continue by analysing the effect this integration has had on the basic notions of constitutional law, and we discuss the different alternatives available to us from the standpoint of constitutional theory.

Finally, we conclude by contemplating a specific notion - European Constitutional Law - and a specific methodology that addresses the constitutional difficulties present in the integration process.


- AA.VV.: Teoría y Realidad Constitucional, 21, 2008, monográfico sobre metodología.
- AA.VV.: “Orientación actual del derecho constitucional”, Teoría y Realidad Constitucional, 1, 1998.
- AA.VV.: Teoría de la Constitución. Ensayos escogidos. Dir. M. Carbonell. E. Porrua, México, 2000.
- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, M.: “La cultura constitucional en la Unión Europea”, in AAVV Derecho constitucional y cultura, Tecnos, Madrid, 2004.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, F.: Fuentes del Derecho, Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 1991.
- "Constitución normativa y Ciencia del Derecho", in AAVV Estudios de Derecho Público. Homenaje a Juan José Ruiz Rico (I), Tecnos, Madrid, 1997.
- “La construcción del lenguaje jurídico en la Unión Europea ”, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 1, 2004.
- “La Constitución europea en el camino hacia el Derecho constitucional europeo”, Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Granada , nº 9, Granada, 2006.
- “El debate constitucional en la UE ¿Hacia una Constitución de la Unión Europea?”, in M.A. García Herrera (ed.), Constitución y Democracia, 25 años de Constitución democrática en España, Cepc-Upv, Bilbao.
- BÖCKENFÖRDE, E-W.: Staat, Verfassung, Demokratie. Ed. Shurkamp, Frankfurt, 1991.
- CRUZ VILLALÓN, P.: La curiosidad del jurista persa y otros estudios sobre la Constitución. Ed. CEC, Madrid, 1999.
- DÍEZ PICAZO: Derecho constitucional europeo. Ed. Civitas, Madrid, 2002.
- EVERLING, U.: Das Europäische Gemeinschaftsrecht im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Wirtschaft, Ed. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 1985.
- DOGLIANI, M.: Introduzione al diritto costituzionale. Ed. Il Mulino, 1994, Bologna.
- FIORAVANTI, M.: La scienza del diritto pubblico. Ed. Quaderni Fiorentini,
- GRIMM, D.: Die Zukunft der Verfassung. Ed. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1994.
- GUILLÉN, E.: “El Parlamento europeo”, REDCE, 3, 2005.
- LÓPEZ CASTILLO, A.: Constitución e integración. Ed. CEC, Madrid, 1996.
- HÄBERLE, P.: Verfassungslehre als Kulturwissenschaft. 2 Ed. Duncker&Humblot, 1998.
- Europäische Verfassungslehre in Einzelstudien, Ed. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 1999; Europäische Verfassungslehre, Ed. Nomos, Baden-Baden , 2001/2002.
-“Europa como comunidad constitucional en desarrollo”, Revista de Derecho constitucional europeo, núm. 2, 2004.
- HESSE, K.: Grundzüge des Verfassungsrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 20 Ed., C.F. Müller, Heidelberg, 1995.
- MANGAS MARTÍN, A.: Derecho comunitario europeo y derecho español. Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 1986.
- MADURO, M. : Las formas del poder constitucional de la Unión Europea, REP, 2003.
- PÉREZ TREMPS, P.: Constitución española y Comunidad europea. Ed. Civitas, Madrid, 1994.
- PERNICE: <<Der Europäische Verfassungsverbund auf dem Wege der Konsolidierung>>, Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart.
- PISARELLO, G.; “¿Constitucionalismo sin Constitución o Constitución sin constitucionalismo? Elementos para una lectura de la construcción europea en clave pos-estatal”, REDCE, 5, 2006.
- REQUEJO PAGÉS, J.L.: “Defensa de la Constitución nacional y constitucionalización de Europa. Inflación de derechos y deslegalización de ordenamientos”, Fundamentos, 4, 2006.
- RUBIO LLORENTE, F.: La forma del poder. Ed. CEC, Madrid, 1997.
- SIERRA, Susana de la: Una metodología para el Derecho comparado europeo, Civitas, Madrid, 2004.
- WEILER, J.: The Constitution of Europe . Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge , 1999.
- ZAGREBELSKY, G.: El derecho dúctil. Ed. Trotta, Madrid, 1995.

Methodology and Evaluation:

This course will be divided into 10 classroom sessions. The first and the second sessions will be taught by Professor Ricardo Chueca, and they will concern issues of instrumental methodology. The following four sessions will be taught by the professor in charge of the course and the invited professors and they will focus on methodological questions of the European Constitutional Law. The last four sessions will be dedicated to the defence and group discussion of work elaborated by the students.

Attendance and Participation count for 25% of the final grade. The elaboration and defence of an original dissertation no less than 20 pages will count for 75% of the mark.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4ECTS Credits

Course Description:

This course is designed to analyse the organisation and the functioning of the jurisdictional system of the European Union and the instruments that allow for the carrying out of judicial control in the application of the European Union Law.

Specific Course Contents:


A) Organisation and Function of the European Union Court of Justice

Court of Justice
General Court
EU Civil Service Tribunal

B) Proceedings

Preliminary rulings
Appeals for the control of legality: annulment, omission, and the exception of illegality
Appeals for failure to act
Appeals for non-contractual liability
Consultative competence

C) Rules of proceedings of the European Court of Justice

D) Analysis of relevant cases



- K. LENAERTS: “The rule of law ant the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”. Common Market Law Review. 2007-6. Págs. 1625-1659.
- M. LÓPEZ ESCUDERO: “Las modificaciones del Tratado de Niza en el sistema jurisdiccional comunitario”, Boletín Europeo de la Universidad de La Rioja, , marzo 2001, pp. 15 y ss.
- F. LÓPEZ RAMÓN: “Las vías de consolidación de la planta orgánica del contencioso comunitario”. Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo. Vol. 27. 2007. Págs. 551-574.
- G.C. RODRÍGUEZ IGLESIAS: “El Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas”. En G.C. Rodríguez Iglesias, D.J. Liñán Nogueras (dirs.): El Derecho Comunitario Europeo y su aplicación judicial. Madrid, 1993.
- J. ROLDÁN BARBERO: “La reforma del poder judicial en la Comunidad Europea”. Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo. Nº 9. 2001. Págs. 77-116.
- D. SARMIENTO RAMÍREZ-ESCUDERO: Poder judicial e integración europea. La construcción de un modelo jurisdiccional para la Unión. Madrid, 2004.
- J. M. SOBRINO HEREDIA: “El sistema jurisdiccional en el proyecto de Tratado constitucional de la Unión Europea”. Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo. Nº 16. 2003. Pág. 993.

Methodology and Evaluation:

Methodology: Professors encourage direct participation and involvement so that the students themselves explain and understand the basic notions covered in the course. Students are responsible for written assignments as well as an oral presentation.

Evaluation: Students will be evaluated based on their active participation in the class and their quality of work throughout the course, especially taking into account written assignments as well as the presentation.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

The purpose of the course is to conduct a comparative analysis of the existing forms of government in the principal European States and of the EU, according to the provisions of the respective Constitutions and the Constitutive Treaties of the Union. At the same time, we will discuss new proposals of institutional development and its more important lines of evolution.

As a consequence, the content of the course will be divided into three parts: the first part is dedicated to the historical-evolutionary and institutional-dogmatic study of the form of government; the second part deals with the peculiar establishment in the different national models; and finally the third part analyses its projection in the European Union.

Specific Course Content:

The first part deals with an ineludibly introductory framework. In that introduction we make reference to the historical emergence of various forms of government that are linked to the establishment and subsequent evolution of the Constitutional State in Europe. In this way, we will analyse, according to the different variants of the principle of the separation of power, how the States adopt constitutional values, develop distinct forms of articulation of the various powers attributed to them, distributing, among them their functions and how they develop relations of reciprocity, with more or less intensity, and distinct character.

Then, the second part takes into account the comparative study of the form of government in the most important European States. In this regard, we will develop the analysis of the constitutional and legal normative references in this field, considering the practical policies that will be observed. Specifically, we will study the form of government of the United Kingdom, German, France, Italy and Spain.

We dedicate the third part of the course to the study of the form of government thus far experienced in the European Union. A form of government that has been developing in its institutional environment as expected with regards to Primary European Law (such as the Treaties) as well as policies carried out as a result of the continuous organic and functional interaction between the European Council, the Council, the European Parliament, and the Commission. In addition and at the same time, we will cover one of the most interesting issues of the course because of its extraordinary repercussions: the critical analysis of a new government model like the one that has emerged in Europe from the Lisbon Treaty in 2007. (Beforehand, we will examine the different constituent proposals that have been formulated in the context of the current debate regarding the European integration process). Finally, from a legal and political point of view, we will discuss the main characteristics exhibited by the form of government adopted. Accordingly, we will study the organisation and functions of the respective institutions of reference and their reciprocal process of interaction.


- S. Mangiameli, ‘La forma di governo europea’, in G. Guzzetta (ed), Questioni costituzionali del governo europeo (Cedam, 2003)

- M. García Pelayo, ‘Derecho constitucional comparado’, in Obras completas I, (Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1991)

- J. Habermas, Die postnationale Konstelation. Politische Essays (Spanish translation, Paidós, 2000)

- J. H. H. Weiler and M. Wind, European Constitutionalism Beyond the State (Cambridge University Press, 2003)

- F. Mancini, ‘Europe: the Case for Statehood’, (1998) 4 European Law Journal 29

- L. Mª Díez-Picazo Giménez, La naturaleza de la Unión Europea (Civitas, 2009)

- C. Closa Montero, Sistema político de la Unión Europea (Editorial Complutense, 1997)

- P. Ridola, ‘Il principio democratico tra Stati nazionali e Unione Europea’ in P. Ridola, Diritto comparato e diritto constituzionale europeo, (G. Giappichelli 2010)

- F. Snyders, ‘Governing Economic Globalisation: Global Legal Pluralism and European Law’, (1999) 5 European Law Review 334

- G. Majone, ‘Europe’s Democratic Deficit: the Questions of Standards’, (1998) 4 European Law Journal 5

- A. A. Cervati, ‘Elementi di indeterminatezza e di conflittualitá nella forma di governo europea’, Anuario dell´Associazione italiana dei costituzionalisti. La Costituzione europea (Cedam, 1999)

- R. Dahl, On Democracy (Spanish translation, Taurus, 1999)

- Z. Bankowsky and A. Scott (eds), The European Union and Its Order: the Legal Theory of European Integration, (Blackwell, 2000)

- P. Häberle, Europäische Verfassungslehre, (Nomos, 2006)

- F. Balaguer Callejón, ‘El Tratado de Lisboa en el diván. Una reflexión sobre estatalidad, constitucionalidad y Unión Europea’, (2007) 83 Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional 57

- P. Ridola, ‘La parlamentarizzazione degli assetti istituzionali dell ‘Unione Europea fra democrazia rappresentativa e democrazia partecipativa, in P. Ridola, Diritto comparato e diritto constituzionale europeo

- P. Häberle, Gibt es eine europäische Öffentlichkeit? (De Gruyter, 2000), passim and P. Ridola, ‘Prime riflessioni sullo “spazio pubblico” nelle democrazie pluralistiche’, in P. Ridola, Diritto comparato e diritto constituzionale europeo

- E. W. Bökenförde, Staat, Nation, Europa, (Suhrkamp, 1999), at 89 and D. Grimm, Die Verfassung und die Politik (C.H. Beck, 2002)

- J. H. H. Weiler, ‘Does Europe need a Constitution? Demos, Telos and the German Maastricht Decision’, (1995) 1 European Law Journal 219

- P. Häberle, ‘Das retrospektive Lissabon Urteil als versteinernde Maastricht II Entscheidung’ (2010) 58 Jahrbuch des Öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart 317

- E. O. Eriksen and J. E. Fossum, ‘Bringing European Democracy Back in. (Or how to read the German Constitutional Court´s Lisbon Treaty Ruling)’ (2011) 17 European Law Journal 153

- J. Habermas, ‘Remarks on Dieter Grimm´s “Does Europe need a Constitution?”’ in J. Habermas, Die Einbeziehung des Anderen (Spanish translation, Paidós, 1999)

- A. J. Menéndez Menéndez, ‘The European Democratic Challenge: the Forging of a Supranational volonté’ (2009) 15 European Law Journal 277
- A. Von Bogdandy and J. Bast (eds), Principles of European Constitutional Law (Hart/C.H. Beck, 2010)

- S. Mangiameli, ‘The Role of the European Parliament and the Principle of Representative Democracy’, (2009) European Public Law in and A. Von Bogdandy, ‘Founding Principles’

- J. H. H. Weiler, U. Haltern, F. C. Mayer, ‘European Democracy and its Critique’, (1995) 18 West European Politics 4

- A. Von Bogdandy, ‘Parlamentarismus in Europa: eine Verfalls- oder Erfolgsgeschichte’, (2005) 130 Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts 445

- P. Kirchhof, ‘The European Union of States’, in A. Von Bogdandy and J. Bast, Principles of European Constitutional Law

- D. Grimm, ‘Does Europe need a Constitution?’, (1995) 1 European Law Journal 282

- C. Harlow, Accountability in the European Union, (Oxford University Press, 2002)

- S. Bredt, ‘Prospects and Limits of Democratic Governance in the EU’, (2001) 17 European Law Journal

- J. H. H. Weiler, ‘The Transformation of Europe’, in Spanish Translation of Europa, fin de siglo (Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1995)

- J. H. H. Weiler, ‘In the Defence of the Status Quo: Europe´s Constitutional Sonderweg’, in J. H. H. Weiler and M. Wind (eds), European Cosntitutionalism beyond the State

- P. Kirchhof, ‘The Balance of Powers between National and European Institutions’, (1999) 5 European Law Journal 230;

- J. Ziller, ‘Separation of Powers in the European Union´s Intertwined System of Government’, (2008) 3 Il Politico 167

- I. Pernice, ‘Multilevel Constitutionalism and the Treaty of Amsterdam: European Constitution-Making Revisited’, in (1996) 36 Common Market Law Review 703

- J. M. Porras Ramirez, ‘Integración europea y configuración institucional. La
incidencia del Tratado de Lisboa’, en P. R. Barbosa Ramos (org.), ‘Constituçao e federalismo no mundo globalizado’, págs. 48-81. 2011. Editora da Universidade Federal do Maranhâo, Sâo Luís.

Methodology and Evaluation:

The course will be based on lectures taught by the respective professors of the course and the active participation of the students involved, through the debate, the discussion and the defence of the works concerning specific aspects of the subject.

Student evaluations will be based on oral and written presentations, elaborated with the guidance of the professor.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

Economic integration has been the historic engine of the European Union. The creation of a single market, which allows the free movement of production, factors in a competitive framework, as well as the development of partial and general economic policies of the same nature were the main priorities of the original Community members. Today the European Union is a more complex political reality, which has acquired a new economic dimension and additional characteristics. Despite that, the EU economic law continues addressing a great deal of practical problems as well as issues of a constitutional nature. The purpose of this course is to examine the current status and the contemporary problems of the constitutional bases of the EU economy. In this regard, we will dedicate the first two sections of this course to the analysis of each one of the fundamental freedoms. Later, in the third section, we will focus on the particular problems in the design of a competitive market, and finally in the last section of the course, we will discuss the specific issues that arise in the regulation of the European market and, in particular, on services of general interest.


Specific Course Contents:

I anf II. Fundamental Freedoms – constitutional bases of the market; freedom of movement.

III. Competition Law and the European Market.

IV. Market Regulation and Service of General Interest


- ALCARAZ VARÓ, E., El inglés jurídico. Textos y documentos, 3ª ed., Ariel, Barcelona, 1998.
- ALCARAZ VARÓ, E. y HUGHES, B., Diccionario de términos jurídicos . Inglés- Español , Spanish-English, Ariel, Barcelona, 2007.
- AA.VV., EUI Social and Labour Law Working Group, The Fundamentalisation of Social Rights, EUI Working Papers, 2009/05,
- ALEGRE ÁVILA, J. M., Estudios de derecho público económico: libro homenaje al Prof. Dr. D. Sebastian Martín-Retortillo, Civitas, 2003.
- ARMOUR, J. “Who Should Make Corporate Law? EC Legislation versus
- Regulatory Competition” 58 (2005) Current Legal Problems.
- AZUOLAI, L., “The Court of Justice and the Social Market Economy”, Common Market Law Review 45, 2008, 1335-1356.
- BAÑO LEÓN, J. M., Potestades administrativas y garantías de las empresas en el Derecho español de la competencia, Mc Graw-Hill, 1996.
- BAQUERO CRUZ, J., Entre competencia y libre circulación. El Derecho constitucional económico de la Comunidad Europea , Civitas, 2002.
- BARNARD, C., The Substantive Law of the EU. The Four Freedoms, Oxford University Press, 2007.
- BUENDÍA SIERRA, J.L., Exclusive Rights and State Monopolies under EC Law, OUP, 2000.
- CASTEL BORRAS, B., La defensa de la competencia en la CEE , Bosch, 1986.
- CRAIG, P. & DE BÚRCA, G., EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, 2007.
- DE BÚRCA, G.(ed.), EU Law and the Welfare State. In search of Solidarity, OUP, 2005.
- DE LA QUADRA-SALCEDO, T., Liberalización de las telecomunicaciones, servicio público y Constitución económica europea, CEC, 1995.
- DÍEZ-PICAZO, L.M., “La idea de servicios de interés económico general”, en L.COSCULLUELA MONTANER (Coord.), Estudios de Derecho público económico, Civitas, 2003.
- ENRIQUES, L., “ EC Company Law Directives: How Trivial Are They? ”, 27 U. PA. J. INT'L. ECON. L. 1 (2006).
- ESTEVE PARDO/S. MUÑOZ MACHADO, J., Derecho de la regulación económica, vol. I., Iustel, Madrid, 2009.
- FLEISCHER, H., “Case Note on the Golden Shares Cases” (2003) 20 CML Rev.
- ‘Limited but not Lost – A Comment on the ECJ's Golden Share Decisions' (2004) 72 Fordham L Rev 2219
- FLYNN, L., “Coming of Age: The Free Movement of Capital Case Law 1993- 2002” (2002) 39 CML Rev 773.
- HATJE, A., “Economic Constitution”, A. von Bogdandy/J. Bast (Ed.), European Constitutional Law, Oxford, 2006.
- HERVEY/J. KENNER (Eds.), T.K., Economic and Social Rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. A legal Perspective, Hart, 2003.
- HOPT, K.J., “Common Principles of Corporate Governance in Europe? Some Thoughts on the Impact of the Securities Markets on Companies and Their Regulation”, 24,
- JOERGES, C., “What is Left of the European Economic Constitution?”, EUI Working Paper, LAW 8/2004.
- JOERGES, C./RÖDL, F., “Social Market Economy as Europe's Social Model”, EUI Working Paper LAW 13/2004.
- KAMAR, E., “Beyond Competition for Incorporations” , 94 GEO. L.J. 1725 (2006).
- KARMEL, S., “Reform of Public Company Disclosure in Europe ”, 26 U. PA. J. INT'L ECON. L. 379 (2005).
- KRAJEWSKY, M. “Providing Legal Clarity and Securing Policy Space for Public Services through a Legal Framework for Services of General Economic Interest: Squaring the Circle?”, 14 European Public Law 2008, S. 377-398.
- KRAJEWSKI, M./NEERGAARD, U./VAN DE GRONDEN, J. eds., The changing legal framework for services of general interest in Europe. Between competition and solidarity, T. M. C.Asser Press, 2009.
- MADURO, M.P., We the Court. The European Court of Justice & the European Economic Constitution, Hart, 1998, passim.
- MUÑOZ MACHADO, S., Servicio público y mercado, Civitas, 1998.
- Tratado de Derecho Adinistrativo y Derecho Público General, vol. I, Iustel, Madrid, 2005.
- MONTI, G., EC Competition Law , Cambridge University Press, 2007.
- OGUS, A, Regulation. Legal Form and Economic Theory, Hart, 2004.
- PINTO, A.R., “The European Union's Shareholder voting rights Directive froma an american perspetive: somer comparasions and observations”, Brooklyn Law School Legal Studies, Research Papers, 117, 2008.
- PISTONE, P., “Expected and Unexpected Developments of European Integration in the field of Direct Taxation”, Intertax, 35, 2007.
- PROSSER, T., The limits of Competition Law, Oxford University Press, 2004.
- «Theorising Utility Regulation», The Modern Law Review, 1999, 62:2, pp. 196-217.
- RINGE, W.G., “Company Law and Free Movement of Capital: Nothin Escapes the ECJ”, University of Oxford Legal Research Papers, 42/2008.
- ROTH, W.H., “From Centros to Ueberseering : Free Movement Of Companies, Private International Law,and Community Law” (2003) 52 ICLQ 177.
- SZYSZCZAK, E., The Regulation of the State in Competitive Markets in the EU, Hart Publishing, 2007.
- “Golden Shares and Market Governance” (2002) 29 Legal Issues of Economic Integration.
- STÄHL, “Free movement of capital between Member States and Third Countries”, EC Tax Review, 2004.
- STITH, C.D. “Federalism and Company Law: A "Race to the Bottom in the European Community ”, 79 GEO L.J. 1581 (1991).
- SHUIBHNE, N., Regulating the Internal Market, Elgar, 2006.
- USHER, J.A., The Law of Money and Financial Services in the EC, 2nd edn OUP, 2000.
- VENTORUZZO, M. “Europe's Thirteenth Directive and U.S. Takeover Regulation: Regulatory Means and Political and Economic Ends” , 41 TEX. INT'L L.J. 171, 193 (2006).
- WHISH, R., Competition Law, 6th Ed. Oxford University Press, 2008.
- ZETZSCHE, D, “Shareholder Passivity, Cross-Border Voting and the Shareholder Rights Directive”, Journal of Corporate Law Studies (2008), available at:

Methodology and Evaluation:

The first epigraph will be given by Professor Daniel Sarmiento (Univ. of Complutense/ECJ). The classes regarding the second epigraph are the responsibility of Miguel Azpitarte (Univ. of Granada). The third epigraph will be taught by Professor A. Boix (Univ. of Valencia), and Luis Arroyo (Univ. of Castilla-La Mancha/Constitutional Court of Spain) will be in charge of the last section of the course.

In the classrooms setting the participating professors will create the bases for the theoretical approach to the essential problems in the constitutional organisation of the Union market. After this approach, the professors will try to work dialectically with the students on the current problems using court judgements and doctrinal articles. The four professors will evaluate the students together. Fifty percent of the grade will be based on the participation and the competence shown by the students in the classroom. The other 50% will be based on an original written paper of no more than 20 pages, regarding one of the topics presented in the course.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

One of the pillars of the “European Constitutional Law” is, without doubt, the existence of a constitutional judicial system in each Member State that guarantees the respect for values, principles, and the law recognized in respective Constitutions. Despite that, these models are different from one country to another, responding to different legal and constitutional traditions.

As a consequence, the purpose of this course is to analyse the main characteristics of each one of those models, focusing specifically on the study of the functions each State entrusts to its constitutional jurisdiction as well as the basic similarities between the different models. Accordingly, the main theme of this course will be the analysis of the relationships between the national Constitutional Courts, the European Court on Human Rights and the European Court of Justice, relationships that are in a constant and permanent state of evolution, transformation, and redefinition. At the same time, the European Union and its notion of “European Constitutional Law” are also in evolution. In addition, the predictable future role of the Court of Luxemburg as well as a European Constitutional Court will be analysed .

Course Contents:

The content of the course will be the following:

A. Constitutional jurisdiction: the origin and meaning of the concept.
B. The constitutional jurisdiction systems of the EU Member States: fundamental characteristics and essential similarities.
C. The functions of the constitutional jurisdiction within the Member States: similarities and differences.
D. The Relationship between the constitutional jurisdictions of the Member States and the European Court of Justice.
E. A future approach: the Role of the European Court of Justice as a Constitutional Court of the European Union



- AHUMADA RUIZ, Marian, La jurisdicción constitucional en Europa, Civitas, Madrid, 2005.
- AHUMADA RUIZ, Marian, Judicial Review: el control de constitucionalidad en los Estados Unidos, CEPC (en prensa)
- AJA, Eliseo (ed.): Las tensiones entre el Tribunal Constitucional y el legislador en la Europa actual. Barcelona: Ariel, 1998.
- ALAEZ, Benito: Sentencias básicas del Tribunal Constitucional alemán, CEPC (en prensa)
- ALONSO GARCÍA, Ricardo, Justicia constitucional y Unión Europea, Civitas, Madrid, 2005.
- ALONSO GARCÍA, Ricardo, Las sentencias básicas del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas ( Tercera edición), Civitas, Madrid, 2006.
- ALONSO GARCÍA, Ricardo, Sistema Jurídico de la Unión Europea , Civitas, Madrid, 2007.
- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, Miguel: El Tribunal Constitucional ante el control del Derecho comunitario derivado , Ed. Civitas, Madrid, 2002
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco, Los tribunales constitucionales en el proceso de integración europea, Revista de derecho constitucional europeo, Nº. 7, 2007.
- CRUZ VILLALÓN, Pedro: "La formación del sistema europeo de control de constitucionalidad, (1918-1939)". Madrid Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1987.
- FAVOREU, Louis: “Los Tribunales Constitucionales”. Barcelona: Ariel, 1994.
- FAVOREU, Louis y otros: “Tribunales constitucionales europeos y derechos fundamentales (Coloquio sobre la protección de los derechos fundamentales por las jurisdicciones constitucionales en Europa)“. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1984.
- FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, José Julio, La justicia constitucional en la Unión Europea ante el siglo XXI (Segunda edición), Tecnos, Madrid, 2007.
- FERRERES COMELLAS, Víctor, Justicia constitucional y democracia, CEPC, Madrid, 1997.
- GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA, Eduardo: La Constitución como norma y el Tribunal constitucional, Civitas, Madrid, 2006 (reimp.).
- HAMON, Léo: Les juges de la loi: naissance et rôle d'un contre-pouvoir: le Conseil constitutionnel. París: Fayard, 1987.
- POIARES MADURO, Miguel: La Constitución plural. Constitucionalismo y Unión Europea, CEPC (en prensa).
- PRESNO LINERA, Miguel (ed.): Sentencias básicas del Tribunal Constitucional italiano, CEPC (en prensa)
- ROUSSEAU, Dominique: La justice constitutionelle en Europe. París: Montchrestien, 1992.
- SARMIENTO, Daniel: Poder judicial e integración europea. La construcción de un modelo jurisdiccional para la Unión, Civitas, Madrid, 2004.
- ZURN, Christopher F., Deliberative Democracy and the Institutions of Judicial Review, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Methodology and Evaluation:

The course will be given during a two-week period. The first four class sessions will be presented by the professor and will explain the main points of constitutional justice - birth and legitimacy; we will then continue with discussion on their evolution in Europe and in the United States.
From that point, we will focus our analysis on the European model and its recognition in the Member States as well as on the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, through the study of leading cases.

The second week, not consecutive to the first week, will be dedicated to the presentation of students’ works regarding doctrinal aspects or to discussion of important jurisprudential events.

Student evaluation will be based on two elements: firstly, classroom attendance and participation – In particular, the understanding and critical analysis as well as the quality of work performed will be taken into consideration. According to general guidelines, the final paper is worth 75% of the overall grade.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

For some time now, the constitutional doctrine has shown a particular interest in the relationships between legal orders. In this regard, we consider that today the ideal identification between law, the legal orders and the State, for the plurality of laws that exists in the Member States, is now futile.

Specific objectives:

- The students will understand that a good part of juridical matters will enter in contact with different legal orders.
- The student should learn to articulate the law from a multi-level perspective.
- Finally the students should learn to link juridical norms of different legal orders, according to the criteria and principles of hierarchy, competence, primacy and subsidiarity.

Specific Contents:

Firstly, and with specific relation to the Spanish constitutional system, we must recognise the existence of an open process of political decentralization that presupposes the creation of the Autonomous Communities, which have created their own legal order despite the unity that makes up the Constitution, and we must also acknowledge the open process of European political integration. With the purpose of analysing the previous question and obtaining the proposed objectives, we propose a triple approach as a guideline of work: First, we will study the interrelation created between these several different legal orders from a monistic and plural point of view: the principle of hierarchy and competence. The following contents are:

Legal Orders and the Constitution
Multi-Level Legal System
Hierarchy and Competence as Principles of Structure of the Legal Orders
Constitutional Law and European Law and constitutional primacy

Secondly, now we propose the analysis of the principle of subsidiarity as one of the new fundamental points from which, in the future, the articulation of orders can be developed at the national level (Germany and in particular Italy, after the Constitution’s reform of 2001) and as with relation to Europe.

In this regard, the comparative experience becomes very important. Subsidiarity and the Form of the State; Social and Territorial Autonomy; Horizontal and Vertical Subsidiarity; Subsidiarity in the Federal German Legal Order; Subsidiarity in Italy after the New Title V of the Constitution; Subsidiarity in the European Legal Order; Subsidiarity, Democracy, and Minorities; Subsidiarity and Globalisation.

Thirdly and lastly we propose the study of the mechanisms of reintegration of the coherency and the complete character of the constitutional system, in which we would discuss the various techniques for preventing normative conflicts as long as it respects the plurality of orders that characterize the Europe. The essential contents are as follows:

The Coherence of the Legal Order; The Normative Conflicts of First Degree and the Principles of Resolution: Hierarchy, Competence, Procedure, Specialty, Temporality, and Prevalence; The Completeness of the Legal Order, Defects and Integration; the Suppletority as a Technique of Heterogeneisation among the Legal Orders.


- AZPITARTE SÁNCHEZ, Miguel: “Las relaciones entre el Derecho de la unión y el Derecho del Estado a la luz de la Constitución Europea”, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 1, 2004.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: “Conflictos normativos entre el Derecho estatal y el Derecho autonómico”, Revista de las Cortes Generales, núm. 19, 1990.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: Fuentes del Derecho (I. Principios del ordenamiento constitucional), Tecnos, Madrid, 1991.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: Fuentes del Derecho (II. Ordenamiento general del Estado y ordenamientos autonómicos), Tecnos, Madrid, 1992.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: “La constitucionalización de la Unión Europea y la articulación de los ordenamientos europeo y estatal”, in AAVV El constitucionalismo en la crisis del Estado social, Miguel Angel García Herrera (dir.), Universidad del País Vasco, 1997.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: “Las relaciones entre el ordenamiento estatal y los ordenamientos autonómicos. Una reflexión a la luz de la regla de supletoriedad”, Revista de Derecho Político, núm. 44, 1998.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: “Fuentes del derecho, espacios constitucionales y ordenamientos jurídicos”, Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, núm. 69, 2003.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: “El sistema de fuentes en la Constitución Europea”, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 2, 2004.
- BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco: “La Constitución europea tras el Consejo Europeo de Bruselas y el Tratado de Lisboa”, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 8, 2007.
- BUSTOS GISBERT, Rafael: La Constitución red: Un estudio sobre supraestatalidad y Constitución, IVAP, Bilbao, 2005.
- CHICHARRO LÁZARO, Alicia, El principio de subsidiariedad en la Unión Europea , Aranzadi, Navarra, 2001.
- D'ATENA, Antonio : «Il principio di sussidiarietà nella costituzione italiana», en L'Italia verso el “Federalismo” (Taccuni di viaggio), A. Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2001.
- GUASTINI, Riccardo : «Teoria e dogmatica delle fonti», en AAVV Trattato di Diritto civile e commerciale (I, 1), Luigi Mengoli (coord.), Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 1998.
- LASAGABASTER HERRARTE, Iñaki: Los principios de supletoriedad y prevalencia del Derecho estatal respecto al Derecho autonómico, Cívitas, Madrid, 1991.
- LÓPEZ PINA, Antonio, y GUTIÉRREZ GUTIÉRREZ, Ignacio: Elementos de Derecho Público, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2002.
- LÓPEZ RUIZ, Francisco: Fuentes del Derecho y ordenamientos jurídicos, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1997.
- MARTÍN-RETORTILLO BAQUER, Lorenzo: La interconexión de los ordenamientos jurídicos y el sistema de fuentes del derecho, Civitas, Madrid, 2004.
- MODUGNO, Franco: Appunti dalle lezioni sulle Fonti del Diritto, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2000.
- DE OTTO Y PARDO, Ignacio: Derecho Constitucional (Sistema de fuentes), Ariel, 2ª ed., Barcelona, 1988.
- PALADIN, Livio: Le fonti del Diritto italiano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1996.
- RIDOLA, Paolo: "Il principio di sussidiarietà e la forma di stato di democracia pluralistica", junto a CERVATI, Angelo Antonio, y PANUNZIO, Sergio P., en Studi sulla riforma costituzionale (Itinerari e temi per l'innovazione costituzionale in Italia), G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2001.
- ROBLES MORCHÓN, Gregorio: Pluralismo jurídico y relaciones intersiteémicas, Thomson/Civitas, Madrid, 2007.
- RUGGERI, Antonio: Fonti, norme, criteri ordinatori (Lezionni), 3ª ed., G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2001.
- SÁNCHEZ BARRILAO, Juan Francisco: «La regla de supletoriedad a propósito de la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 61/1997, de 20 de marzo: continuidad y renovación del Derecho estatal», Revista de Estudios Políticos, núm. 99, 1998.
- SÁNCHEZ BARRILAO, Juan Francisco: “La supletoriedad del derecho estatal como garantía en la ejecución del Derecho europeo por las Comunidades Autónomas”, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 1, 2004.
- SÁNCHEZ BARRILAO, Juan Francisco: “Sobre la Constitución normativa y la globalización”, Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Granada, núm. 7, 2004.
- SÁNCHEZ BARRILAO, Juan Francisco: “Relaciones entre el Derecho de la Unión Europea y el Derecho de los Estados miembros”, Revista de Derecho Constitucional Europeo, núm. 2, 2004.
- SÁNCHEZ SÁEZ, Antonio: Descentralización subsidiariedad, IAAP, Sevilla, 2005.
- TAJADURA TEJADA, Javier: La cláusula de supletoriedad del Derecho Estatal respecto del autonómico, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2000.
- TEJEDOR BIELSA, Julio C.: La garantía constitucional de la unidad del ordenamiento en el Estado autonómico: competencia, prevalencia y supletoriedad, Civitas, Madrid, 2000.
- VV.AA., La articulación entre el Derecho comunitario y los Derechos nacionales: algunas zonas de fricción, Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Madrid, 2007.

Methodology and Evaluation:

In our first meeting students will be introduced to the details of the programme, the class schedule (and bibliography which makes reference to readings necessary for the development of subsequent sessions), and procedural information relating to student evaluations.

During the first four class meetings the participating professors will present the essential contents of the course, directing the discussion toward critical thinking and debate amongst the students. Also in these sessions, the professors will assign individual assignments in preparation for student presentations and discussions, which will take place in the second part of the course. The work will be assigned according to the needs of the different parts of the programme, and when possible according to student preference.

Throughout the entire course students will participate in tutoring, where professors will maintain close communication with the students in order to facilitate and help direct assigned projects.

Student evaluations will be based on the active participation of the students in the classroom, the degree of elaboration and development of all presented material, review and correction of work with attention to practical and scientific detail, and student attendance.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4 ECTS

Course Description:

The objective of this course is to study the peculiarities in the application of European Union Law in decentralized Member States, analysing not only the Spanish case but also the Italian with the purpose of understanding the similarities and the differences. Without a doubt, the application of the European Union Law is more complex when the form of state is not unitary but decentralized; especially when the modality of decentralization is not federalism, a model with extensive practical experience, but other types of intermiddle forms such as the Spanish Autonomous State or the Italian Regional State.

The delegation of competencies to a supranational organisation affects the framework of the sub-national entities when the elements that run and make up the European Union correspond to those specific entities. Nevertheless, in the decision-making process at the European level, its position is reserved to the Central Governments of the Member States. Further beyond this ascendant phase of making-decisions, in the descendent phase of application of the European Union Law it is necessary to guarantee the participation of these sub national entities.

Specific Course Contents:

In the first module of the course we examine the application of the European Union Law in Spain, focusing not only on the theoretical formulation of the autonomous involvement in implementing European Union Law, but also on the existing problems related to its practical application. The Constitutional Court has established that it corresponds to apply the European Union Law derived from the competent administration according to the distribution of the power contained within the block of constitutionality. However, in practice this assumption is limited by different elements of our autonomous system. For example, the title “general management of economic activity”, which allows the state to determine the basic contents of this subject and the detailed character of this regulation make it so that the application of European Union Law is always applied by the state, leaving the autonomous communities in a secondary position.

The outline for the presentation of this subject is as follows:

1. The regional dimension in the application of secondary European Law
2. The power of authority of the autonomous communities as title for the application of secondary European Law
3. The horizontal powers of the state, such the title of competence in the normative development of secondary European Law
4. The normative articulation base-development in the application of secondary European Union Law
5. The articulation of regulation - development in the application of secondary European Law
6. The attribution to state entities to guarantee the implementation of secondary European Law
7. The sense of collaboration between State and Autonomous Communities in the normative development of the secondary European Union Law

In the second part, Professor D'Atena from the University Tor Vergata in Rome will examine the situation in Italy and, especially, after the constitutional reform of Title V carried out by Act 3, 2001 of the constitutional reform.

The issues from the Italian perspective are similar to those in Spain, although, the attention focuses on the guarantee of the respect of the European obligations by the Regions.

The contents of this model are as follows:

1. The Regional participation in the application of European law after the reform of Title V of the Constitution
2. The Annual European Law incorporated by the Law La Pergola: Balance and Perspectives
3. The guarantee of the regional respect of European obligations
4. The substitutive power of the state in breach of regional incompliance of European obligations


- E. ALBERTÍ ROVIRA, L. ORTEGA ALVAREZ, J.A. MONTILLA MARTOS, Las Comunidades Autónomas ante la Unión Europea, CEPC, Madrid, 2005.
- BUSTOS GIBERT, R., Relaciones internacionales y Comunidades Autónomas, Madrid, 1993.
- D’ATENA, A., “Costituzione e principio di sussidiaritá”, QC, XXI, 1, 2001.
- LOPEZ CASTILLO, A., Constitución e integración, Madrid, 1995.
- LUCAS MURILLO DE LA CUEVA, E., Comunidades Autónomas y política europea, Civitas, Madrid, 2000.
- MONTILLA MARTOS, J.A., Derecho de la Unión Europea y Comunidades Autónomas, CEPC, Madrid, 2005.
- MORENO, A., La ejecución administrativa del derecho comunitario, , Madrid, 1998.
- ORDÓÑEZ SOLIS, D., La ejecución del Derecho comunitario europeo en España, Madrid, 1993.
- RESCIGNO, G.U., “Attuzione regionale delle direttive comunitaire e potere sostitutivo dello Stato”, Le Región, XXX, 4, 2002.
- ROIG MOLES, E. Las Comunidades Autónomas y la posición española en los asuntos europeos, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2002.
- RUIZ RUIZ, F., “La función de garantía del cumplimiento autonómico del Derecho comunitario europeo”, REDC, 51, 1997.
- TORCHIA, L., “I vincoli derivanti dall’ordinamento comunitario nel nuovo Titolo V della Costituzione”, Le Región, XXIX, 6, 2001.

Methodology and Evaluation:

The learning process will be divided into three different phases. In the preliminary first phase, the professor(s) will meet with the students in order to orientate them on books and the necessary course materials. For the theoretical and practical character of the course, the materials that show the autonomous involvement in European affairs, for example the websites of institutions such as the MAP, the Committee of the Regions (CoR), or the EU itself, results very important.

In the second phase the basic contents of the course are presented, debating the different aspects. Finally, the students will explain the results of their research, which will be discussed in common sessions.

Student evaluations will take into account two criteria:

1. Continuous control of the course with strong emphasis placed on attendance and participation of the doctoral students in the various sessions of the course.

2. Research work related to any sections of the programme, systematically linked to the overall contents of this course.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/4 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

The primary law of the European Union lacked, until recently, a bill of rights, which may be considered by judges as a parameter of the derived legislation. As a result, the approval of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has supposed a radical change with respect to the previous situation, independent its real efficiency.

This course will study the expansion of the European Union Law of Fundamental Rights, particularly through the Charter and its following introduction, firstly in the failed European Constitutional Treaty, and a finally, in the Lisbon Treaty, with special attention paid to the limits of rights and freedoms recognized there.

Some people wanted to indicate, with relation to each right, the condition of its possible limitation. Although the majority of the doctrine is considered more convenient, with the purpose of clarifying the text to exclude the particularistic enumeration of the limits and to use a final disposition that establishes the general conditions in which the rights of the Charter could be limited, avoiding every type of regression with relation to the standard established by the CEDE.

Specific Contents:

In the sessions of the course the students will study the conditions to which they will have to conform the limitations:

I. The need of legislator action
II. The preservation of the essential content of rights and liberties
III. The respect of principle of proportionality
IV. The need to respond effectively to the objective of general interest recognized by the Union or the need of protection of the rights and freedoms of others


- Alonso García, R: Sistema jurídico de la Unión Europea, Civitas, Madrid, 2007.
- Balaguer Callejón, F.: “Niveles y técnicas internacionales e internas de realización de los derechos en Europa. Una perspectiva constitucional”, Nuove Tendenze dei Diritti Fondamentali, Siena, 2000.
- Häberle, P.: “Derecho Constitucional Común Europeo”, Revista de Estudios Políticos, 79, pp. 7-46.
“¿Existe un espacio público europeo?, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 3, pp. 113-136.
- Matia Portilla, F. (dir.): La protección de los Derechos Fundamentales en la Unión Europea , Civitas, Madrid, 2002.
- Morata, F.: La Unión Europea. Procesos, actores y políticas, Ariel, Madrid, 1998.
- Pérez Tremps, P.: Constitución española y Comunidad Europea, Fundación Universidad-Empresa, Madrid, 1994.
- Pi Llorens, M.: Los derechos fundamentales en el ordenamiento comunitario, Ariel, Barcelona, 1999.
- Requejo Pagés, J.L.: “La articulación de las jurisdicciones internacional, constitucional y ordinaria en la defensa de los derechos fundamentales”, Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 35, pp. 179-202.
- Rodríguez, A.: Integración europea y derechos fundamentales, Civitas, Madrid, 2001.
- Rodríguez Iglesias, G. C. y Valle Gálvez, A.: “El Derecho Comunitario y las relaciones entre el TJCE, el TEDH y los tribunales constitucionales nacionales”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 2, ppl. 329-376.
- Rodríguez Iglesias, G. C. y Woelker, J.: “Derecho Comunitario, Derechos Fundamentales y control de constitucionalidad”, Revista de Instituciones Europeas, 14, pp. 667-681.
- Rodríguez Zapata, J.: “Los tratados internacionales y los controles de constitucionalidad”, Revista Española de Derecho Administrativo, 30, pp. 500 y ss.
- Rubio Llorente, F.: “ La Constitution espagnole et le traité de Maastricht”, Revue Française de Droit Constitutionnel, 12, pp. 651-662.
- Ruiz Miguel, C.: La ejecución de las sentencias del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, Tecnos, Madrid, 1998.
- Ruiz Robledo, A.: “Las implicaciones constitucionales de la participación de España en el proceso de integración europeo”, Revista Jurídica de Asturias, 22, pp. 93-110.
- VVAA: Monográfico de la Revista de Derecho constitucional europeo dedicado al Tratado de Prüm (núm. 7, Enero-Junio 2007)
- Weber Albrecht: “El control del Tratado de Maastricht por la jurisdicción constitucional desde una perspectiva comparada”, Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 45, pp. 31-52
- Weiler, J.: “Eurocracy and distrust: Some questions concerning the Role of the European Court of Justice in the Protection of Fundamental Rights”, Washington Law Review, pp. 1103.1142.

Methodology and Evaluation:

The course is divided in two parts. In the first part, the professor introduces the essential contents of the course, trying to focus on perspective problems and to orient the exposition toward the reflexion and the debate by the students. In these first sessions it will assign to students the works for its exposition and discussion between the assistants in the following sessions.

Student evaluations will be based on attendance, active participation of the students of the course, as well as the degree of elaboration and development of any individual work done.



Course Characteristics:

Course/Fundamental/Elective/2 ECTS Credits

Course Description:

The course on “European Constitutional Law and Globalisation” is designed to offer a framework of reflexion regarding the relations between the European integration process and the process of globalisation. Specially, it will analyse the impact of the process of globalisation in the model of integration and in the process of EU constitutionalisation. Equally, it will consider the general relation between Constitutional Law and Globalisation from double perspectives of the global projection of Constitutional Law and the incidence of the globalisation process in the National Constitutional Law.

Specific Course Contents:

1. Globalisation and National Constitutional Law
2. The incipient global dimension of Constitutional Law
3. Supranational integration and globalisation
4. The process of globalisation and the model of European integration
5. The development of the process of globalisation and its incidence in the process of integration


1.-Mark Tushnet, “The Inevitable Globalization of Constitutional Law”:

También el debate generado en relación con ese trabajo:

2.-Anne Peters, “The Merits of Global Constitutionalism”:

3.-Christine E.J. Schwöbel, “The appeal of the Project of Global Constitutionalism to Public International Lawyers”:

4.-Carlos de Cabo Martín, “Constitucionalismo del Estado Social y Unión Europea en el contexto globalizador”:

5.-Alessandro Pizzorusso, “La producción normativa en tiempos de globalización”:

6.-“Un jurista universal nacido en Europa”. Entrevista a Peter Häberle por Francisco Balaguer Callejón:

Methodology and Evaluation:

The first sessions of the course are dedicated to the exposition of the essential features of this topic, trying to focus on the problems that the subject presents and to orient the exposition to the reflexion and the debate between the students that participate in the course. In this first session students will be assigned work for their exposition which will then be discussed with assistants in the following sessions.

The evaluation will be based on the active participation of students in the sessions of the course and on the level of elaboration and development of their individual expositions.