Dr. Daniel González González
Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Personal Bio

Primary School Teacher, graduated in Pedagogy and with a Ph.D. in Education Sciences since 1995 with the thesis entitled ‘Attitudes of non-universitary teachers towards reforms in the educative system’, he was granted an extraordinary award for his Doctoral Thesis in the Faculty of Education of the University of Granada.
He has been an Adjunct Professor at University since 1995, earning his place as Senior Lecturer of the University of Granada in 2002, and having institutional responsibilities ever since, such as acting as a Secretary of the Department of Research and Diagnosis Methods in Education. He is also a member of labOSfor research group (SEJ059) of the Junta de Andalucía. He is a full member of the company labOSfor, Innovación y Desarrollo, SL as well.
He has plenty of experience as a scholar, director and consultant, having worked in 23 different research projects of public investment. He has supervised 10 Doctoral Thesis and 7 postgraduate research projects.
He has 97 publications under his account, such as books, chapters in books and both peer-reviewed and technical reports. He has also made 74 presentations in national and international congresses.
He has collaborated with 10 foreign Universities, has had institutional responsibilities in the University of Granada and belongs to scientific committees of different international journals.
2012 © Daniel González González