4th Spanish Conference in
Information Retrieval
14-16 June 2016 - Granada, Spain
Juan Francisco Huete Guadix (University of Granada, Spain) and Javier Parapar (University of A Coruña, Spain)
This tutorial is divided in two parts: In the first one you will learn the basis of Lucene, an open-source Java full-text search library that can be used to create solution for searching your data. Lucene is a powerful search platform powering search and applications for some of the world’s biggest companies. Lucene is the core technology under ElasticSearch or Solr. In this tutorial we discuss Lucene index's features and we show how to build an index and how queries can be used to retrieve the most relevant documents. In the second part, we will explore other complementary technologies for building up a search engine. Namely, we will talk about the Nutch crawler and the Solr and ElasticSearch enterprise search platforms. During the tutorial, we will provide with explanations for basic usage and code examples.
Fidel Cacheda (University of A Coruña, Spain), Pablo Castells and Iván Cantador (Autonomous Univeristy of Madrid, Spain)
This tutorial will be divided in two parts. In the first part, we will learn the basics for Recommender Systems, starting by comparing them with search engines and then studying some of the main recommendation algorithms (with a special focus on Collaborative Filtering) and their evaluation. In the second part of the tutorial, we will address advanced topics on Recommender Systems, such as the use of semantic knowledge, technologies and resources, the consideration of the user's context, and the exploitation of cross-domain information for recommendation. The lectures will be complemented with practical assignments, in which we will implement some recommendation algorithms and run some experiments to evaluate their performance. At this moment, the platform to be used for running the experiments has not been decided yet.
Prices: 60€ (1 tutorial), 100€ (2 tutorials).