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The tutorials illustrate program usage and its application to specific problems. The list of available tutorial docs is hoped to grow with time, and contributions are most welcome. If you want to contribute a tutorial, please send us a copy or a link to it (if in another web location) so that we can add it to this index.

Using the tutorials

To open a tutorial just click the appropriate link in the index below. Most tutorials are designed to be worked out with CSpace, and may require that you download any data files required by the example being developed. Links to data files or other required files are provided in each document. You might want to print the tutorials for a more comfortable reference and to avoid screen cluttering.

Unless otherwise indicated, the tutorials in this site are the intellectual property of Djinn Works. They can be freely used, printed or copied, but should not be modified or included as part of another document without permission or proper citation.


Practical subjects covered

Ternary Feldspars

Basic example plot. Illustrates importing data files through the clipboard (Paste as New File command), filtering, and setting up for drawing tie lines and coordinate scaling.

Balancing Reactions 1

Offered in John Winter's Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology book material, balance the reaction Tremolite + Dolomite = Diopside + Magnesite + CO2 + H2O in the simple system SiO2-MgO-CaO-H2O-CO2 (tutorial document for CSpace v.1.01.26, not available for CSpace v2).

Balancing Reactions 2

This file provides how to manage to get a balanced reaction in the complex system SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3-FeO-MnO-MgO-CaO-Na2O-H2O using as example a corona texture in a mafic granulite kindly provided by Sumit Chakraborty.

© Djinn Works. Last modified: 11.24.23 10:28 +0100