Project members and collaborators

Members (by alphabetical order):


Dr. Mª Isabel Álvaro Zamora. Professor of History of Art at the University of Zaragoza. She is an expert in Mudejar ceramics and has been working for years on Mudejar and Morisco houses and their contents.


Dr. Ana Aranda Bernal. Senior Lecturer of History of Art at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville. She specializes in art and gender in the transition between the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. She has researched a number of houses in Seville, above all belonging to the aristocracy, and has published various articles including one on the well-known Casa Pilatos.


Dr. Sonia Caballero Escamilla. Senior Lecturer of History of History of Art at the University of Granada. She specializes in sculpture and painting in Castile in the 15th and 16th centuries. This is an important aspect of this project in that paintings and other art-forms will be one of our main sources of information on interiors.


Dr. Mª Elena Díez Jorge. Professor of History of Art at the University of Granada. She specializes in Mudejar art, working above all in architecture and in the late mediaeval and early modern period (15th and 16th centuries). In her research into architecture and domestic spaces she has placed special emphasis on the gender perspective. She has taken part in various research projects on similar themes to this one (Domestic architecture in eastern Andalusia during the Early Modern era, 2003-2006, BHA 2003-03353; The residential architecture of al-Andalus: typological analysis, urban and sociological context. Grounds for heritage restoration, 2012-2014, HAR 2011-29963). She has written various publications on this issue and coordinated a book entitled The mediaeval house in the Iberian Peninsula (La casa medieval en la península ibérica, Sílex, 2015).


Dr. Pedro Galera Andreu. Professor of History of Art at the University of Jaén. He specializes in the Renaissance and has written numerous publications about 16th century architecture.


Dr. Inés Gómez González. Senior Lecturer of Modern History at the University of Granada. She specializes in justice in the 16th and 17th Centuries on which she has written many publications. She is currently working with documents describing visits to courts and similar spaces in which she has unearthed interesting information about the houses of judges and magistrates in that era.


Dr. Dolores Rodríguez Gómez. Senior Lecturer of Semitic Studies at the University of Granada. She specializes in documents in Arabic from 15th Century Granada and has published articles about different parts of the house such as almacerías (rooms on the upper floor with a separate entrance) and algorfas (rooms for storing grain and other products).


Dr. Felipe Serrano Estrella. Associate Professor of History of Art at the University of Jaén. He specializes in 16th and 17th century architecture focusing above all on religious buildings. He has a lot of unpublished documents about the houses of cellarers and clerics.


Dr. Dolores Serrano Niza. Senior Lecturer of Classical and Arabic Philology at the University of La Laguna. She specializes in fabrics from the Andalusian era, used both for making clothes and for weaving household fabrics. She will be focusing on the fabrics used in Andalusí houses in the 15th century and the way they continued to be used in the 16th.


Dr. Mª Jesús Viguera Molins. Emeritus professor at the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Complutense University in Madrid. She specializes in Arabic manuscripts from al-Andalus, some of which she will be analysing for information about the house in Arabic sources and manuscripts, especially those referring to the 15th century. She has worked on the role of women and is interested in the subject of houses, as can be seen in some of her publications and her participation in projects and committees, such as the exhibition Houses and palaces of al-Andalus (Murcia, 1994-1995).

Collaborators (by alphabetical order)


Dr. Esther Cruces Blanco. Expert in the Mediaeval Era and Director of the Historical Archives of the Province of Málaga. She has extensive knowledge of the archives and especially of those with material from the 15th and 16th centuries (the period in which we will be centring our attention). She has numerous publications to her name some of which are devoted to domestic spaces.


Dr. Consuelo Lollobrigida. Dr. Cosuelo Lollobrigida. Adjunct Professor of Art History. University of Arkansas Rome Center (Italy). She specializes in women’s studies, working above all in their role in architecture in the 16th and 17th centuries.


Dña. María del Pilar López Pérez. Architect and Associate Professor at the Arts Faculty of the National University of Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia). She specializes in the house and its contents in relation to spaces and everyday life during the 16th and 17th centuries above all in Colombia.


Dr. Christine Mazzoli-Guintard. Historian specializing in the Middle Ages and Senior Lecturer of Mediaeval History at the University of Nantes (France). She specializes in town-planning in al-Andalus, working on the different spaces in the city and in recent years on the study of the house.


Dr. Aurora Molina Fajardo is an art historian and has worked at the University of Granada both as a research grant holder and as a member of the technical staff in university research projects. She specializes in domestic architecture in rural areas in the 16th century.


Dr. María Nuñez González, architect who has developed her PhD on the Sevillian House of the Sixteenth Century


Dr. Rosalía Oliva Suárez. Associate Professor at the University College San Jerónimo at the University of La Habana (Cuba). She has also carried out numerous historical and artistic reports on houses that are being restored in the old city of La Habana. Her thesis entitled Los Espacios domésticos habaneros de 1650 a 1750 (Domestic spaces in Havana from 1650 to 1750), deals above all with the house, its types and interiors.


Dr. Jean Passini. Architect and Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de París. He is one of the best-known specialists in the study of houses, above all from the 15th century and has written numerous publications, about Toledo in particular.