Mosaico Alhambra


Research topics

  • Nonlinear Spreading PDE: Flux limitation, flux-saturation, Porous media equations, Waiting time, Pattern formation, Traveling waves, Discontinuous Waves, Optimal mass transportation, Entropy solutions, Relativistic heat equation.
  • Kinetic Theory and Conservations Laws: Hydrodynamical Limits, Gravitation, Relativity, Fragmentation-Coagulation, Vlasov, Boltzmann, BGK. Aplications: Social Systems, Traffic, Multicellular Systems.
  • Fluid Mechanics: Euler, Navier-Stokes, Singular solutions, Vortex Methods, Thin Films.Fluid Mechanics: Euler, Navier-Stokes, Singular solutions, Vortex Methods, Thin Films.
  • Developmental Biology. Mathematical Biology: Morphogenetic gradients, Hedgehog, Chemotaxis, Multicellular Interaction Systems, DNA Models, Flux-limited, Flux-saturated, Filopodia-like structures, Citonemes, Pattern formation, Traveling waves.
  • Quantum Mechanics: Semiconductors, Schrödinger, Wigner, Boltzman, Drift-diffusion.

Recent PhD Students

  • Alexis Béjar-López. Since 2020 he is doing his doctoral thesis in the framework of a Spanish grant FPU (coadvisor Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin).
  • Carlos Pulido. Since 2020 he is doing his doctoral thesis in the framework of a Spanish grant FPI (coadvisor Juan Campos).
  • Elena Torres. Since 2021 she is doing her doctoral thesis in the framework of a Spanish grant FPU.

Former PhD Students

Editorial boards


For a more comprehensive list of projects, we refer the reader to the web site of the research group 'Partial Differential Equations in Kinetic Theory' or in the item 'Previous grants' below. We cite here those who are currently active.

Previous grants.

