


(En negrita las mas relevantes)

  1. Beebee, T. y G. Rowe 2004. An introduction to molecular ecology. Oxford University Press.

  2. Bell, G. The basis of selection. Chapman and Hall.

  3. Bennet, K.D. 1997. Evolution and ecology. The pace of life. Cambridge University Press.

  4. Berry, R.J., T.J. Crawford y G.M. Hewitt 1992. Genes in ecology. Blackwell Sciences.

  5. Brooks, D.R. y D.A. McLennan 1991. Phylogeny, ecology, and behavior. Chicago Univ. Press.

  6. Bulmer, M. 1994. Theoretical evolutionary ecology. Sinauer.

  7. Cockburn, A. 1991 An introduction to evolutionary ecology. Blackwell.

  8. Charlesworth, 1994. Evolution in age-structured populations. Cambridge University Press.

  9. Charnov, E.L. 1993. Life history invariantes: some explorations of symmetry in evolutionary ecology. Oxford University Press.

  10. Clutton.BrockT.H. 1988. Reproductive success. Chicago University Press.

  11. Conner, J.K. & D.L. Hartl 2004. A primer of ecological genetics. Sinauer Ass.

  12. Coyne, J.A. and H. A. Orr 2004. Speciation. Sinauer Ass.

  13. Endler, J. A. 1986. Natural selection in the wild. Princeton Univ. Press.

  14. Epperson, B.K. 2003. Geographical genetics. Princeton Univ. Press.

  15. Fox C.W., D.A. Roff & D. J. Fairbairn  2001. Evolutionary Ecology. Oxford University Press.

  16. Freeman, S. & J.C. Herron. Análisis evolutivo, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall.

  17. Futuyma, D.J. & M. Slatkin 1983. Coevolution. Sinauer Ass.

  18. Gerhart, J. M. Kirschner & M. W. Kirschner Cells, Embryos, and Evolution: Toward a Cellular and Developmental Understanding of Phenotypic Variation and Evolutionary Adaptability. MIT press.

  19. Hallgrimson, B. and B.K. Hall 2005. Variation, a central concept in biology. Academic Press.

  20. Harvey, P.H. y M.D. Pagel 1991. The comparative method in evolutionary biology. Oxford University Press.

  21. Harvey, P.H., A.J.L. Brown, J.Maynard Smith y S. Nee 1996. New uses for new phylogenies. Oxford University Press.

  22. Herrera, C.M. & O. Pellmyr 2002. Plant-animal interactions: an evolutionary perspective. Blackwell Sic.

  23. Hofbauer, J. & K. Sigmund 1998. Evolutionary games and replicator dynamics. Cambridge University Press.

  24. Howard, D.J. y S.H. Berlocher 1998. Endless forms, species and speciation. Oxford University Press.

  25. Krebs, J. R. & N. B. Davies., eds. 1997. Behavioural ecology: an evolutionary approach, 4th edition. Blackwell.

  26. Lynch, M &B Walsh 1997. Genetic and analysis of quantitative data. Sinauer Ass.

  27. Maynard Smith, J. 1982. Evolution and the theory of games. Cambridge University Press.

  28. McKinney, M.L. & J. A. Drake 1998. Biodiversity dynamics. Columbia University Press.

  29. Mitchod, R.E. 1999. Darwinian Dynamics, evolutionary transitions in fitness and individuality. Princeton University Press.

  30. Mousseau, T.A., B. Sinervo and J. Endler 2000. Adaptive genetic variation in the wild. Oxford Univ. Press.

  31. Okasha, S. 2006. Evolution and the levels of selection. Oxford University Pres.

  32. Otter, y J.A. Endler 1989. Speciation and its consequences. Sinauer Ass.

  33. Real, L. 1994. Ecological genetics. Princeton Univ. Press

  34. Ridley, M. 1993. Evolution. Blackwell.

  35. Raff, R.A. 1998. The Shape of Life: Genes, Development, and the Evolution of Animal Form. University of Chicago Press.

  36. Roff, D. A. 1992. The evolution of life histories. Chapman & Hall.

  37. Roff, D. A. 2002. Life history evolution. Sinauer.

  38. Rose, M.R. y G.V. Lauder 1996. Adaptation. Academic Press.

  39. Schluter, D. 2000.  The ecology of adaptive radiation. Oxford University Press.

  40. Sober, E. 1984. The nature of selection. Chicago University Press.

  41. Sober, E. & Orzack 2001. Adaptationism and optimality. Cambridge University Press.

  42. Stearns, S. C. 1992. The evolution of life histories. Oxford University Press.

  43. Stearns, S.C. y R.F. Hoekstra 1999. Evolution, an introduction. Oxford University Press.

  44. Thompson, J.N. 1994. The coevolutionary process. Chicago University Press.

  45. Williams, G.C. 1992. Natural selection: domains, levels, and challenges. Oxford University Press