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Scientific interests within the group
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María del Carmen Argudo Fernández Galaxy formation and evolution. Effects of the environment of galaxies. Star formation. Galaxy interactions. Astronomical data visualization.
Bahar Bidaran Formation and evolution of low-mass galaxies in different environments. Chemical enrichment history and kinematics of galaxies.
Salvador Duarte Puertas Galaxy formation and evolution. Physical and chemical properties of star-forming galaxies and HII regions using spectroscopy. Galaxy interactions and environments. Supernova remnants.
Daniel Espada Galaxy evolution from the epoch of reionization to the nearby universe. Atomic and molecular gas in the interstellar medium of external galaxies, and relation to star formation and nuclear activity.
Estrella Florido Navío Magnetic fields in galaxies and in inter-and pre-galactic media. Spiral galaxies: warps, truncations, rotation curves. Theoretical models and observations.
Jorge Jiménez Vicente Morphology and kinematics of galaxies. Integral field spectroscopy of nearby galaxies. Galactic winds. Gravitational lensing.
Ute Lisenfeld Dense interstellar medium (interstellar dust and molecular gas) in external galaxies. Star formation in galaxies. Gaseous haloes of galaxies. Galaxies and their environment.
Isabel Pérez MartínGalactic Evolution and Dynamics.
Mónica Relaño Pastor Star formation in nearby galaxies. Interstellar dust and gas. Interaction of stellar winds with the ISM. Stellar populations.
Mónica Rodríguez Formation and evolution of galaxies. Molecular gas in external galaxies. Star formation. Radio (cm and mm) observations.
Tomás Ruiz Lara Stellar populations in galaxies. Computation of star formation histories from spectroscopy (full-spectral fitting, nearby galaxies) and photometry (Colour-Magnitude Diagram fitting, Local Group galaxies and Milky Way). Halo dynamics and Milky Way accretion history (Gaia).
Laura Sánchez Menguiano Formation and evolution of galaxies; observational study of abundances (and other properties) of HII regions by applying spectroscopic techniques.
Gloria Torres Ríos Galaxy formation and evolution. The environment of galaxies and the large scale structure of the Universe. Stellar populations of galaxies. Dark matter haloes.
Simon Verley Formation and evolution of galaxies. Role of the environment. Star formation in infrared, ultraviolet and visible. Relation between dust, gas and stars.
Almudena Zurita Muñoz Spiral galaxies: kinematics and physical properties of the ionized interstellar medium (HII regions and diffuse ionized gas). Star formation. HII regions: physical, chemical and statistical properties.
Last updated 16/01/2023
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