Video made by J.E. Amaro with the Android app Pandemic
Monte Carlo simulation in a lattice. Planck P-model
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Monte Carlo simulation in a lattice with temperature T, representing the average
movility (or energy) of the individuals
Length=300, Range=2.9,
Exposure=0.09, Mobility=20
Recovery time = 20, Recovery interval= 4
Probability infect = 0.15, Probab. death= 0.2
Lockdown time = 1000 (no effective)
These parameters were fitted to D model and South Africa data on July 13 2020
Length=300, Range=2.9,
Exposure=0.09, Mobility=20
Recovery time = 31, Recovery interval= 3.9
Probability infect = 0.2, Probab. death= 0.08
Lockdown time = 1000 (no effective)
These parameters were fitted to D model and South Africa data on July 13 2020
Length=300, Range=2.9,
Exposure=0.09, Mobility=20
Recovery time = 31, Recovery interval= 3.9
Probability infect = 0.2, Probab. death= 0.069
Lockdown time = 1000 (no effective)
These parameters were fitted to D model and South Africa data on July 4 2020
Length=300, Range=2.9,
Exposure=0.09, Mobility=20
Recovery time = 31, Recovery interval= 3.9
Probability infect = 0.2, Probab. death= 0.051
Lockdown time = 1000 (no effective)
These parameters were fitted to D model and South Africa data on June 22 2020
Length=300, Range=2.9,
Exposure=0.09, Mobility=20
Recovery time = 31, Recovery interval= 3.9
Probability infect = 0.2, Probab. death= 0.14
Lockdown time = 1000 (no effective)
These parameters were fitted to D model and South Africa data on June 6 2020
1.- Global analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic using simple epidemiological models
J.E. Amaro, J. Dudouet, J.N. Orce
2.- The D model for deaths by COVID-19
by J.E. Amaro
We provide here our daily fits to the current data.
A basic function to parametrize the total deaths is
D(t) = a exp(t/b) / ( 1 + c exp (t/b) )
The values of the parametes a, b, c are at the top of the plots
Click on the figures to enlarge
D2, is the sum of two D-functions
D'2, is the derivative of the D2 function to fit the deaths-per-day
Extended SIR model where the recovered function r = R/N
is parametrized similarly as the D-function
Monte Carlo P-model. Virus simulation propagating in a grid of cells
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data on August 30 2020.
The Monte Carlo P-model was fitted on August 30 2020.
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data and D model on August 30 2020.
The D-model and Monte Carlo P-model were fitted on August 30 2020.
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data and D model on JuLY 13 2020.
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data and D model on JuLY 4 2020.
The D-model and Monte Carlo P-model were fitted on JuLY 13 2020.
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data and D model on June 22 2020.
D-model fitted to South Africa data with three parameters.
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data and D model on June 22 2020.
D-model fitted to South Africa data with three parameters.
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data and D model on June 6 2020.
D-model fitted to South Africa data with three parameters. Up to now the data follow the expected evolution of this simple model.
The extended SIR model has six parameters and requieres more data to be reliable. Therefore we introduced an artificial datum in accord to D model, 200 deaths on 100th day.
This Monte Carlo P-model was fitted to data and D model on June 6 2020.
D-model fitted to South Africa data with three parameters. Up to now the data follow the expected evolution of this simple model.
D-model fitted to South Africa data with three parameters. Up to now the data follow the expected evolution of this simple model.
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data and D model on June 6 2020.
D-model fitted to South Africa data with three parameters. Up to now the data follow the expected evolution of this simple model.
This Monte Carlo was fitted to data and D model on June 7 2020.
The Monte Carlo was fitted to data and D model up to June 6 2020.
This is a summary of the paper
The D model for deaths by COVID-19
by J.E. Amaro
The D model (D is for deaths) derives form the SIR model
(susceptible, infected, recovered) as a particular case with an
analytical solution. We assume that the recoved individuals have no
effect on the infection rate.
The D model is based on two hypothesis:
1. The infection rate over time is proportional to the infected and
non-infected individuals (SI model) :
dI(t) = lambda I(t) ( N - I(t) ) dt
where N is the total population exposed to the virus.
2. The number of deaths at some time t is
proportional to the infestation at some former time T.
Therefore we define the D-function as
D(t) = mI(t − T )
Where m is the mortality or death rate, and T is the mortality time.
With this assumption we can write the D function as
D(t) = a exp(t/b) / ( 1 + c exp (t/b) )
The three constants a, b, c are the parameters of the model. They
are obtained by fit to actual data for the first pandemia days and
they can be used to make predictions for the next days.
The D-model for COVID-19 pandemic describes well the current data
of several countries, including China, Spain and Italy with only
three parameters.
The assumption made in the SI model is that the recovered
individuals do not influence the increase of the infected ones, This
hypothesis does not seem to be very bad since the model reproduces
well the data up to now. This could indicate that the
total population N is not a constant as assumed in the SIR model,
but it increases over time as more people are exposed, for example,
in villages that until now had been isolated from the sources of
infection in big cities.
The D model is simple enough to provide fast
estimations of pandemic evolution in other countries, and could be
useful for the control of the disease.