Call for Papers

Download Call For Papers

Researchers interested are invited to remit a 300 words summary (without including the title, name, filiations, etc) in Spanish or English before November 20th 2015 following the edition rules:

Title (Cambria 14, bold, centered)

Name and Surname (Cambria 10, normal, centered)

Filiations (Cambria 10, normal, centered)

e-mail address: (Cambria 10, italics, centered)

Summary of the communication (Cambria 12, normal, unjustified). We chose unjustified in order to avoid incompatibilities between text processers. The whole document must use a 1.5 spacing. The text of the summary must include, compulsory, and without prejudice to other relevant aspects, the objectives and the main results of the investigation. The summary cannot include, except for exceptional cases, nor quotes or bibliographic references. The summaries should be handled in pdf format.

- The final decision of the evaluating committee will be communicated to the authors before the 31st of December of 2015.

- The chosen communications will be displayed during the development of the Conference always on-site during 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for debaing.

- Once the communication is accepted there will be a period for inscription (30€).

Contact and email:
Dra. Purificación Ubric Rabaneda