Synopsis of current research

Kinetoplastid Extracellular vesicles

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small lipid vesicles released by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells containing nucleic acids, proteins, and small metabolites essential for cellular communication. Since EVs are virtually released by any cell type, hosts, and pathogens will be constantly shedding and sharing these products to the extra- or intracellular milieu (depending on the niche for proliferation used by the pathogen). In this context, I collaborate with Prof. Antonio Osuna (University of Granada) on the characterisation of EVs from flagellated protozoan parasites belonging to the order Kinetoplastida. This research involves multidisciplinary approaches from cell biology to proteomics and genomics.


Figure. Scanning electron microscopy of a Metacyclic trypomastigotes (T. cruzi) invading a host cell. The right figure shows a magnified image of the MT point of contact with the host cell membrane.