
What follows are four software suites that might be useful for students and resarchers in geochronology, igneous petrology and geochemistry. They were implemented as STATA ado files requiring the STATA commercial package (link below) to work.
They are platform-independent, and run in any Mac, Window or Unix machine with STATA installed on it.
To install them, simply decompress the zipped archive, open the resulting folder and move all files to the “PERSONAL” folder of your STATA ADO folder.
To use them, open STATA and type in the command window the package’s name in lower case: “shrimptools”,  “igpetools”, “isotools", or “pva”. Then go to the STATA menu User, call the routine and follow the on-screen instructions.

These routines are modified frequently. Use the latest update.


Routines for SHRIMP data reduction and age calculations, designed for SHRIMP ion microprobes. They work on .pd files and substitute SQUID and, partially, ISOPLOT.


Routines for geochemical work on igneous rocks. The file requires two atring variables: id and label; id contains the sample identification label is the grouping variable. The sample identification must consist of leters and numbers with no other characters except _ (underscore). The gruoping variable must consist of one or two capital letters. Download the sample file (plain text) and past it on the STATA editor.

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