"Workshop on Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Numerics, and Control"

April 24-26, 2018

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Author Title
José Alfredo Cañizo Rincón Continuous and discrete ground states of the interaction energy: numerics and analytical results
Tomás Caraballo Garrido Nonautonomous and stochastic dynamical systems: an introduction with applications
José Carmona Tapia Quasilinear elliptic problems with a singular gradient term
Juan Casado Díaz Elliptic equations in unbounded cylinders with nonpositive zero order terms. Applications to the behavior of a wave in a thin beam
Manuel J. Castro Díaz High-order well-balanced numerical methods for hyperbolic balance laws
Francisco Gancedo García Regularity vs singularity for immiscible incompressible Navier-Stokes fluids
José Antonio Langa Rosado Attractors as informational structures. Application to global brain dynamics and the problem of human consciousness
Tomás Morales de Luna Modeling sediment transport in shallow waters
Rafael Ortega Ríos Maximum principles for periodic solutions of the Telegraph equation
Carlos María Parés Madroñal Entropy-Preserving Numerical Schemes
María Victoria Redondo Neble First-order splitting in time schemes for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations: stability and error estimates
José Rafael Rodríguez Galván Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation of Anisotropic Viscous Flows
Juan Segundo Soler Vizcaino Emergence and evolution of fronts and singular patterns in non-linear diffusion models
Pedro José Torres Villarroya The Gross-Pitaevskii equation: symetries and coherent states

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