Artículos en revistas


Colás, I., Triviño, M., & Chica, A. B. Interference control modulations over conscious perception. Frontiers in Psychology. Consciousness Research. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00712.

Botta, F., Ródenas, E., & Chica, A. B. Target bottom-up strength determines the extent of attentional modulations on conscious perception. Experimental Brain Research, doi:10.1007/s00221-017-4954-z.

Herreros, L., Lambert, A.J., & Chica, A. B., Orienting of attention with and without cue awareness. Neuropsychologia, 99, 165-171.


Chica, A. B., Bayle, D.J., Botta, F., Bartolomeo, P., and Paz-Alonso, P.M. (2016) Interactions between phasic alerting and consciousness in the frontostriatal network. Scientific Reports. 6, 31868; doi: 10.1038/srep31868.

Henríquez, R.A., Chica, A.B., Billeke, P., Bartolomeo, P. (2016). Fluctuating Minds: Spontaneous Psychophysical Variability during Mind-Wandering. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0147174. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147174.

Martín-Arevalo, E., Chica, A.B.*, & Lupiáñez, J.* (2015). No single electrophysiological marker for facilitation and inhibition of return: A review. Behavioural Brain Research, 300: 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2015.11.030


Bourgeois, A., Chica, A.B., Migliaccio, R., Bayle, D.J., Duret, C., Pradat-Diehl, P., Lunven, M., Pouget, P., & Bartolomeo, P. (2015). Inappropriate rightward saccades after right hemisphere damage: Oculomotor analysis and anatomical correlates. Neuropsychologia, 73, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.04.013.

Martín-Arevalo, E., Botta, F., Lupiáñez, J., & Chica, A.B. (2015). Endogenous attention modulates attentional and motor interference from distractors: Evidence from behavioral and electrophysiological results. Research Topic entitled "Surprising Events and Attention”. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00132.


Chica, A.B., Bourgeois, A., & Bartolomeo, P. (2014). On the role of the ventral attention system in spatial orienting. General comment on: “Attention and predictions: control of spatial attention beyond the endogenous-exogenous dichotomy”, by Macaluso and Doricchi (2013). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:235. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00235

Chica, A.B., Martín-Arevalo, E., Botta, F., & Lupiáñez, J. (2014). The Spatial Orienting paradigm: How to design and interpret cuing experiments. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 40, 35-51.

Martín-Arevalo, E., Chica, A.B., & Lupiáñez, J. (2014). Electrophysiological modulations of exogenous attention by intervening events. Brain and Cognition, 85, 239-250.

Botta, F., Lupiáñez, J., & Chica, A.B. (2014). When endogenous attention improves conscious perception: Effects of alerting and bottom-up activation. Consciousness and Cognition, 23, 63–73.

Chica, A.B., Valero-Cabré, A., Paz-Alonso, P.M., & Bartolomeo, P. (2014). Causal contribution of left Frontal Eye Field to spatial attention and conscious perception. Cerebral Cortex, 24(3), 745-53. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs357.


Bourgeois, A., Chica, A.B., Valero-Cabré, A., & Bartolomeo, P. (2013). Cortical control of Inhibition of Return: Exploring the causal contributions of the left parietal cortex. Cortex, 49(10), 2927–2934.

Martín-Arevalo, E., Chica, A.B., & Lupiáñez, J. (2013). Task dependent modulation of exogenous attention: effects of target duration and intervening events. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 75(6): 1148-60. doi: 10.3758/s13414-013-0481-6.

Lupiáñez, J., Martín-Arevalo, E., & Chica, A.B. (2013). Inhibition of Return: Attentional disengagement or Detection cost? Psicológica, 34, 221-252.

Bourgeois, A., Chica, A.B., Valero-Cabré, A., & Bartolomeo, P. (2013). Cortical control of inhibition of return: causal evidence for response-dependent modulation by regions of the right posterior parietal cortex in humans. Cortex, 49 (8), 2229–2238.

Chica, A.B., Bartolomeo, P, & Lupiáñez, J. (2013). Two cognitive and neural systems for endogenous and exogenous spatial attention. Behavioural Brain Research. 237: 107–123.

Chica, A.B., Paz-Alonso, P.M., Valero-Cabré, A., & Bartolomeo, P. (2013). Neural bases of the interactions between spatial attention and conscious perception. Cerebral Cortex. 23(6): 1269–79.


Bartolomeo, P., Thibeaut de Schotten, M., & Chica, A.B. (2012). Brain networks of visuospatial attention and their disruption in visual neglect. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6:110. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00110.

Chanes, L., Chica, A.B., Quentin, R., & Valero-Cabré, A. (2012). Manipulation of pre-target activity on the right Frontal Eye Field enhances conscious visual perception in humans. PLoS ONE 7(5): e 36232. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone. 0036232.

Bourgeois, A., Chica, A.B., Migliaccio, R., Thibeaut de Schotten, M.T., & Bartolomeo, P. (2012). Cortical control of Inhibition of Return: Evidence from patients with inferior parietal damage and visual neglect. Neuropsychologia. 50(5):800-9.

Chica, A.B. & Bartolomeo, P. (2012). Attentional routes to conscious perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 3(1): doi: 10.3389 /fpsyg.2012.00001.

Chica, A.B., Botta, F., Lupiáñez, J., & Bartolomeo, P. (2012). Spatial attention and conscious perception: Interactions and dissociations between and within endogenous and exogenous processes. Neuropsychologia. 50(5):621-9.


Lasaponara, S., Chica, A.B., Lecce, F., Lupiáñez, J., & Doricchi, F. (2011). ERP evidence for selective drop in attentional costs in uncertain environments: challenging a purely premotor account of covert orienting of attention. Neuropsychologia. 49 (9), 2648-2657.

Tian, Y., Chica, A.B., Xu., P., & Yao, D. (2011). Differential consequences of orienting attention in parallel and serial search: An ERP Study. Brain Research. 1391: 81-92.

Gabay*, S., Chica*, A.B., Charras, P., Funes, M.J., & Henik, A. (2012). Cue and target processing modulate the onset of inhibition of return. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 38(1), 42-52. *Two first authors contributed equally.

Kusnir, F., Chica, A.B., Mitsumasu, M. & Bartolomeo, P. (2011). Phasic auditory alerting improves visual conscious perception. Consciousness and Cognition. 20 (4): 1201-1210.

Chica, A.B., Thibeaut de Schotten, M.T., Toba, M., Malhotra, P., Lupiáñez, J., & Bartolomeo, P. (2011). Attention networks and their interactions after right-hemisphere damage. Cortex. 48(6):654-63.

Chica, A.B., Lasaponara, S., Chanes, L., Valero-Cabré, A., Doricchi, F., Lupiáñez, J., & Bartolomeo, P. (2011). Spatial attention and conscious perception: The role of endogenous and exogenous orienting. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 73:1065–1081.

Chica, A.B., Bartolomeo, P., & Valero-Cabré, A. (2011). Dorsal and ventral parietal contributions to spatial orienting in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(22): 8143– 8149.

López-Ramón, M.F., Chica, A.B., Bartolomeo, P., & Lupiáñez, J. (2011). Attentional orienting and awareness: Evidence from a discrimination task. Consciousness and Cognition. 20 (3), 745-755.


Chica, A.B., Lasaponara, S., Lupiáñez, J., Doricchi, F., & Bartolomeo, P. (2010). Exogenous attention can capture perceptual consciousness. NeuroImage. 51:1205-1212.

Chica, A.B., Klein, R.M., Rafal, R.D., & Hopfinger, J.B. (2010). Saccade preparation does not produce Inhibition of Return: Failure to replicate Rafal, Calabresi, Brennan, & Sciolto (1989). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance. 36 (5), 1193-1206.

Chica, A.B., & Bartolomeo, P. (2010). Unconscious strategies? Commentary on Risko and Stolz (2009): “The Proportion Valid Effect in Covert Orienting: Strategic Control or Implicit Learning?” Consciousness and Cognition. 19:443-444.

Chica, A.B., Taylor, T. L., Lupiáñez, J., & Klein, R. M. (2010). Two mechanisms underlying inhibition of return. Experimental Brain Research, 201(1), 25-35.

2009 y anteriores

Chica, A.B., & Christie, J. (2009). Spatial attention does improve temporal discrimination.  Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(2):273-80.

Chica, A.B., & Lupiáñez, J. (2009). Effects of endogenous and exogenous attention on visual processing: An Inhibition of Return study. Brain Research. 1278, 75-85.

Chica, A.B., Charras, P., & Lupiáñez (2008). Endogenous attention and Illusory Line Motion depend on task set. Vision Research, 48(21), 2251-2259.

Chica, A.B., Sanabria, D., Lupiáñez, J., & Spence, C. (2007). Comparing intramodal and crossmodal cuing in the endogenous orienting of spatial attention. Experimental Brain Research, 179(3), 353-364.

Chica, A.B., Lupiáñez, J., & Bartolomeo, P. (2006). Dissociating inhibition of return from the endogenous orienting of spatial attention: Task set modulation. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23(7), 1015-1034.

Chica, A.B., & Lupiáñez, J. (2004). Inhibition of return without return of attention. Psicothema, 16(2), 248-254.

Capítulos de libros

Lupiáñez, J., Callejas, A., Chica, A.B., Correa, A., Vivas, A. & Botella, J. Chapter IV: Attention. To appear in Mente y cerebro: de la Psicología Experimental a la Neurociencia Cognitiva.

Chica, A.B., and Checa, P. (2013). Atención, procesamiento de la información sensorial y sistemas atencionales. In Redolar (Eds.), Neurociencia Cognitiva. Editorial Panamericana.

Dukewich, K. & Chica, A.B. Inhibition of Return. In H. Pashler (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of the Mind. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Madrid, E., Ruz, M., Chica, A.B., Lupiáñez, J. & Tudela, P. (2004) Detección de conflicto e inhibición de respuestas en el control cognitivo: Correlatos electrofisiológicos de alta densidad en una tarea Go-Nogo (Conflict detection and response inhibition in cognitive control: Electrophysiological correlates in a go-no go task). En J. J. Ortells, C. Noguera, M.T. Daza y E. Carmona (Eds.). La Atención: un enfoque pluridisciplinar, Vol. III. Valencia: Promolibro.

Artículos de difusión

Colás, I., Triviño, M., & Chica, A.B. (2015). Alteraciones de la conciencia tras el daño cerebral adquirido: Una revisión sobre la anosognosia. Ciencia Cognitiva, 9:2, 30-32.