Organizational structure

The info/UGR/ system is part of an institutional project of the University of Granada aimed at designing and developing a new information and user services strategy that meets the criteria of modernity, omnichannel, coordination and connectivity.

It is a cross-cutting project fostered by the Vice-Rectorate for Institutional Policy and Planning in which all areas of the UGR are involved, especially:

  • The University of Granada Director's Office
  • The Rector’s Office for the Digital University
  • The Communications Management Office (OGC)

The operational coordination of the info/UGR/ Portal is managed by the Information and Support Service (SIA), physically located on the first floor of the “Edificio Institucional” building, at Calle Acera de San Ildefonso, 42.

If you need additional information or have any questions, you can use the system to contact the Information and Support Service.