Daemons of the Pankration


Download mp3s for free:

El Vaivén

The Swallows of Eratosthenes

Psalm of the Antitheist


Demonios Pancraciastas

¡A Callar!

Au Contraire, Mon Frère


aFCG (instrumental)

80s (instrumental)

All songs written and performed by Sam Johnson. Download the lyrics, with chords for the rhythmic guitar, here. Feel free to make use of the material under the terms of the license below, or to get in touch if you wish to use it in some other way.








Live performance:

The Swallows of Eratosthenes and

El Vaivén at Hannigan & Son’s with

Jorge and Sebastiano (Youtube video).



Sam’s Miscellany

Compendium of fictional and non-fictional writings. Feel free to make use of it under the terms of the license below.



The ant, the grasshopper, and

complexity (preamble to PhD thesis)


Essays in English:

When will we start behaving like

responsible degrown-downs?

Religion, science

and other neotenous behaviour


Micro-stories in English:

Common decency




Popularization of science in English:

Neural networks in neuroscience:

a brief overview


Short stories in English:

The flight of the barn owl

Rolling stone (sci-fi)

The spiral tower (sci-fi)

Bolo’s conjectures


Popularization of science in Spanish:

Ventanas Caóticas


Micro-stories in Spanish:

Decencia común

Infección (sci-fi)

Enigmáticamente, solapamiento (sci-fi)


Short stories in Spanish:

Derecho de imagen (sci-fi)

El nombre del papelillo

Perdiendo el juicio

El soldado (sci-fi)

Entre la espada y la pluma

La torre espiral (sci-fi)

Las conjeturas de Bolo



Direct democracy in Spainsh:

Hacia la democracia directa (with Cécile Poirier)

La secretaria

No me digas



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Licencia de Creative Commons
Daemons of the Pankration by Sam Johnson is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.ugr.es/~sam.
Licencia de Creative Commons
Sam's Miscellany by Sam Johnson is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.ugr.es/~sam.