


Laguna de El Padul

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Jose Antonio Delgado Molina

Ph. D. Student

Doctoral Thesis

Publications in scientific journals

Congress and scientific diffusion


Doctoral Thesis

        Interactive effects of UV radiation and nutrients pulses on the microbial food web: structual, stoichiometric and fuctional approach (download)

Mesocosms in Lake La Caldera (Sierra Nevada, Spain)

Flow citometer     Transmission electron microscope

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Publications in scientific journals

        Delgado-Molina JA, Carrillo P, Medina-Sánchez JM, Villar-Argaiz M, Bullejos FJ (2009). Interactive effects of phosphorus loads and ambient ultraviolet radiation on the algal community in a high-mountain lake. Journal of Plankton Research, 31 (6): 619-634.

        Medina-Sánchez JM, Carrillo P, Delgado-Molina JA, Bullejos FJ, Villar-Argaiz M (in press). Patterns of resource-limitation of bacteria along a trophic gradient in Mediterranean inland waters. FEMS Microbiology Ecology.

        Villar-Argaiz M, Medina-Sánchez JM, Bullejos FJ, Delgado-Molina JA, Ruiz-Pérez O, Navarro JC, Carrillo P (2009). UV radiation and phosphorus interact to influence the biochemical composition of phytoplankton. Freshwater Biology. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02170.x

        Delgado-Molina JA, Medina-Sánchez JM, Villar-Argaiz M, Bullejos FJ & Carrillo P (2009). Induced algal community changes by UV radiation and nutrient inputs: A long-term experimental study in lake La Caldera (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung Limnologie. 30 (6): 919-922.

        Carrillo P, Medina-Sánchez JM, Villar-Argaiz M, Delgado-Molina JA & Bullejos FJ (2008). Phosphorus inputs unmask negative effects of UV radiation on algae in a high mountain lake. Global Change Biology, 14(2): 423-439.

        Bullejos F J, Villar-Argaiz M, Medina-Sánchez JM, Delgado-Molina JA & Carrillo P (2008). Impact of UV radiation and nutrients on the elemental composition of zooplankton in a Mediterranean high mountain lake. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung Limnologie. 30 (4): 623-626.

        Villar-Argaiz M, Medina-Sánchez JM, Bullejos FJ, Delgado-Molina JA & Carrillo P (2008). Is biochemical resource quality for herbivorous consumers enhanced by the manipulation of light and nutrient regimes? Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung Limnologie. 30 (4): 577-580.

        Carrillo P, Medina-Sánchez JM, Villar-Argaiz M, Delgado-Molina JA & Bullejos FJ (2006). Complex interactions in microbial food webs: stoichiometric and functional approaches. Limnetica, 25(1-2): 189-204.

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Congress and scientific diffusion

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009: A Cruise Through Nice Waters. Niza. France (2009).


XIV Meeting of the Iberic Association of Limnology. Huelva. Spain (2008).

III Andalusian Congress of Sustainable Development. Huelva. Spain (2008).

Academy Colloquium “CLIMAQS”. Amsterdam. The Netherlands (2007).

30th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Montréal. Canada (2007).

XIII Meeting of the Spanish Association of Limnology and V Iberian meeting of Limnology. Barcelona. Spain (2006).


I Andalusian Congress of Sustainable Development - Water - and V Andalusian Congress of Environmental Sciences. Granada. Spain (2006).

Meeting “Te unity in the diversity” Homaje to Margalef. Barcelona. Spain (2005).

ASLO Summer Meeting 2005: A Pilgrimage Through Global Aquatic Sciences. Santiago de Compostela. Spain (2005).

XII Meeting of the Spanish Association of Limnology and IV Iberian meeting of Limnology. Porto. Portugal (2004).

XI Meeting of the Spanish Association of Limnology and III Iberian meeting of Limnology. Madrid. Spain (2002).

Workshop on BIOdiversity and huMAN impact in Shallow Lakes (BIOMAN). Granada. Spain (2002).

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      * Interactive effects of ultraviolet radiation and nutrient supply on the biodiversity and production of vulnerable ecosystems to global change: biological mechanisms of protection.

Principal investigator: Presentación Carrillo Lechuga



      * Key species on the functioning of pelagic trophic webs of High Mountain ecosystems: Adaptive strategies. RPN25/2003.

Principal investigator: Presentación Carrillo Lechuga



      * Functional response of aquatic ecosystems to biodiversity changes mediated by ultraviolet radiation and eutophication. REN2001-2840.

Principal investigator: Presentación Carrillo Lechuga



      * Network on measure photosynthetic-ultraviolet radiation and photoprotection.

Principal investigator: Félix López Figueroa



      * Biodiversity and human impacto in shallow lakes: support for the European Project BIOMAN (Contract nº EVK2-CT-1999-00046).

Principal investigator: Jose María Conde Porcuna



      * BIOdiversity and huMAN impact in Shallow Lakes (BIOMAN).

Principal investigator: Jose María Conde Porcuna



      * Effects of the spectrum of solar radiation on biogeochemical dynamics along an altitudinal gradient. Implications for climate change.

Principal investigator: Presentación Carrillo Lechuga


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