Congress Women and Peace: “Discursos y representaciones en la Historia”, 12-13 May 2022

Recognising Peace in History is, in these times, a task of great importance due to the very characterisation of the historical moment we live in. Women have been linked to Peace since the beginnings of our western society. First as a concept, image or symbol, and later as creators of peace discourses and actions.

In this conference we analyse the discourses and representations that link women with peace, or peace with women, from the dawn of Western history until the 20th century. It will cover the origins of the female conceptualisation of peace in Greek and Roman societies, its evolution and projection in the Renaissance, and the assumption and transformation of the discourse of peace by women when they began to take the floor. The different ways in which women have been represented as peace in texts and artistic expressions, the reasons that led them to become active creators of peace discourses, as well as their strategies and different ways of thinking about it and expressing it, will be discussed.

All of this, with the aim of contributing to solving, or helping to solve, one of the great challenges of our time: the peaceful and equal coexistence of the billions of people who inhabit the planet.


12th and 13th May 2022 in Aula García Lorca. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Granada


  • 9.15 h. Reception
  • 9.30 h. Opening ceremony

Session I (12th may)
La paz como mujer en los albores de la Historia

  • 10.00 h. Remedios Ávila Crespo: “Perder la confianza, perder la razón. Una aproxi­mación a la Hécuba de Eurípides”
  • 10.30 h. María Dolores Mirón Pérez: “De la paz femenina a la paz de las mujeres: discursos y representaciones en la Atenas clásica”
  • 11.00 h. Pausa café
  • 11.30 h. Cándida Martínez López: “Las mujeres y la Concordia en los discursos de paz de la antigua Roma”
  • 12.00 h. Purificación Ubric Rabaneda: “Mujeres y paz en el cristianismo anti­guo”
  • 12.30 h. Debate

Session II (12th may)
Palabras y discursos de paz

  • 16.00 h. Inés Gómez González: “Christine de Pizan y el Libro de la Paz”
  • 16.30 h. María Ángeles Gálvez Ruiz y Paula Sánchez Gómez: “Representacio­nes culturales de paz en Mariana Pineda y el liberalismo femenino”
  • 17.00 h. Alba Martínez Martínez: “Cuidar la vida. Discursos de paz imperfecta en las memorias de las refugiadas españolas en Francia (1939-1945)”
  • 18.00 h. Debate

Session III (13th may)
Pensar y representar la paz

  • 10.00 h. Carmen Ruiz Vivas: “Mensajes de paz en la simbología de las emperatrices en el Alto Imperio romano”
  • 10.30 h. María Elena Díez Jorge: “Las muje­res y los discursos de paz en el siglo XVI a través del arte”
  • 11.00 h. Dolores Caparrós Masegosa y Yolan­da Guasch Marí: “Las artistas republicanas exiliadas en México: solidaridad y cultura de paz”
  • 11.30 h. Pausa café
  • 12.30 h. María Isabel Cabrera García: “Muje­res y formas de paz cotidiana, frente al discurso de la Victoria, durante el primer franquismo”
  • 13.00 h. Debate

Session IV (13th may)
Pensadoras de paz

  • 16.30 h. Encarnación Ruiz Callejón: “Madame de Staél, pensadora de la paz”
  • 17.00 h. Sara Rodríguez Luna: “Discursos de Paz en pensadoras feministas de finales del XIX y principios del XX en España”
  • 17.30 h. Carmen Gloria Revilla Guzmán: “Perspectivas filosóficas sobre la paz: María Zambrano, Simone Weil y Jeanne Hersch”
  • 18.00 h. Irene Comins Mingol: “Elise Boul­ding. Pionera en la Investigación para la Paz”
  • 18.30 h. Debate


Registration is free of charge. To register, please send your personal and academic details to

A certificate of attendance will be awarded as a training activity.


Brochure – Download / Spanish (.pdf)