Color Imaging Lab - University of Granada - Spain

Labial Teeth and Gingiva Image Database

The LTG-IDB currently contains 90 photographic digital still images from 27 subjects. Images are available in several sets that differ by resolution, file format and image scene type. This leads to a total of 405 images occupying about 7GB of memory.

Images in this database are available in raw image format (which is the unprocessed sensor data of the camera in a specific vendor dependent data format, in this case the Canon raw image format cr2), as well as JPEG and TIFF. The strengths of this database are the fixed, well-defined and well known parameters of image acquisition. In addition, the variety of analytical and methodological applications shall be highlighted, as this database includes raw images, as well as pre-processed JPEG and TIFF images and is published under a creative common license.

A detailed description on the properties of this databse is given in T. Eckhard, E. Valero, J. Nieves, F. Mesa, "The Labial Teeth and Gingiva Photographic Image Database LTG-IDB, technical report", 2011 .

IMPORTANT: In case you want to use this database for your work, cite as follows: Eckhard et al.;Labial teeth and gingiva color image segmentation for gingival health-state assessment; IS&T/ 6th European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision, CGIV 2012, pp. 102-107, Amsterdam (Netherlands); 2012

Set Description
Sample Image
Set 1: undried oral cavity
Part 1/1
CR2 (raw)
5202 x 3456

Set 2: dried ral cavity
Part 1/1
45 CR2 (raw) 5202 x 3456
Set 3: automatic white balanced, undried oral cavity
Part 1/1
45 JPG
5202 x 3456
Set 4:automatic white balanced, dried oral cavity
Part 1/1
45 JPG 5202 x 3456
Set 5:manual white balanced, undried oral cavity
Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3
5202 x 3456
Set 6:manual white balanced, dried oral cavity
Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3
45 TIFF 5202 x 3456
Set 7:manual white balanced, dried and croped oral cavity
Part 1/1
45 TIFF ca. 600 x 700

Set 8:manual white balanced, dried and croped oral cavity
(manual segmented groundtruth of teeth region)
Part 1/1
45 TIFF ca. 600 x 700
Set 9:manual white balanced, dried and croped oral cavity
(manual segmented groundtruth of non-teeth region)
Part 1/1
45 TIFF ca. 600 x 700

File Description
Technical Report LTG-IDB 2011_Eckhard_LTG-IDB_technical_report.pdf
Image Acquisition How-To LTG-IDB_image_acquisition_howto.pdf
Acquisition Setup How-To LTG-IDB_acquisition_setup_howto.pdf