The project

The overall aim of this project is to undertake theoretical work and empirical studies related to the economic evaluation of a novel class of health technologies known as Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP). These include gene therapy, cell therapy and regenerative medicine. ATMP are used to treat rare diseases, sometimes offering a cure for patients who cannot be treated in any other way. However, many fail to break through into commercial success, representing a waste of research resources, and those that do often charge extremely high prices.

Objective #1

Establish working guidelines for investment decisions (go/no go) by private and public investors in these therapies at distinct points in the life cycle

Objective #2

Recommend clear, consensual and practical criteria that decision makers in the national health service can use for establishing the price of such therapies and whether they should be financed in the NHS

Objective #3

Consider the theoretical and practical merits of distinct options for how such therapies might be reimbursed, for example, through risk-sharing schemes

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The team

Name Info
Research group (N=7)
David M. Epstein PhD. Professor at University of Granada. Tasks: Principal Investigator and coordinator of the work packages. Person-months in project: 7
Jaime Espín Balbino PhD. Professor, EASP. Specialist in pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policy. Task Leader: P&R (3.5 and 4.7). Person-months in project: 3
Antonio Orly de Labry Lima PhD. Qualified pharmacist and health sciences researcher, EASP. Leader for CEA, societal impact and SROI (WP 3 and 4). Person-months in project: 3
Roke I. Oruezabal Guijarro PhD. Masters. Head of Innovation & Development, And&tAT. Leader for consultation with experts (Task 1.2), stakeholder analysis (WP2), case studies (4.1 and 4.2), validation (WP5). Person-months in project: 3
Juan C. Rejón Parrilla Masters. Qualified pharmacist and Senior Economist, AETSA. Expert in health policy. Leader for innovation (3.3 & 4.5). Person-months in project:3
Rosario Mata Alcazar-Caballero Doctor in Medicine. Clinical scientist, And&tAT. Leader for stakeholder analysis (WP2), case studies (4.1) and ethics (6.2). Person-months in project: 3
Juan Antonio Blasco Doctor in Preventative Medicine & Public Health. Scientific coordinator, AETSA. Task leader: Literature review (1.1), and implementation (4.8). Person-months in project: 3
Name Info
Work group (N=9)
Marta Trapero-Bertran PhD. Professor of Economics at UIC, Barcelona. Expert in health economics and health policy. Task: Member of expert advisory group. Person-months in project: 0.5
Richard Grieve PhD. Professor of Health Economic Methodology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Task: Member of expert advisory group. Person-months in project: 0.5
Marta Ortega-Ortega PhD. Professor at Complutense University, Madrid. Expert on health economic costs and impact of diseases on productivity. Task: Support for impact of therapies on work productivity and social costs. Person-months in project: 1.5
Leticia García-Monchón PhD. Researcher, EASP. Expert on quantitative methods and decision modelling in health service research. Task: Support for SROI and CEA. Person-months in project: 3
Blanca Quijano Masters. Qualified pharmacist and Project manager And&tAT. Task: Support for case studies WP4. Person-months in project: 3
Daniel Pérez Troncoso Masters. Phd Student and investigator, UGR. Task: support for methodological development, evidence collection and modelling work and website design, management. Person-months in project: 6
Modou Diop Wayal Masters. Phd Student and investigator, UGR. Task: support for methodological development, evidence collection and modelling work. Person-months in project: 6
Lorena Aguilera Masters. Biotechnology scientist, AETSA. Task: Support for literature review. Person-months in project: 6
Ángela Ponce Masters. Technological Translation & Development Technician, And&tAT. Task: Support for social return on investment. Person-months in project: 6

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This project has been funded by

  • The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovarion and Universities
  • (2019) Call for research, development and innovation projects
  • Download the original scientific proposal from here