Candida Castro

Nationality: Spanish.

Date of Birth: 31st August 1969


  1. Viñeta PhD Experimental Psychology, Department of Experimental Psychology and Behavioral Physiology, University of Granada. SPAIN. 

  2. Viñeta The thesis was entitled: Information acquisition from the Traffic Environment. .1996-2000

  3. Viñeta 1992-1995. Research project entitled:  Variables that influence traffic signs perception.

  4. Viñeta MSc Psychology, University of Granada, SPAIN, 1988ñ1992.


  1. Viñeta Current (Since July 2003): Senior Lecturer, Department of Experimental Psychology and Behavioral Physiology.  University of Granada. SPAIN

  2. Viñeta 1996-2002: Lecturer, Department of Experimental Psychology and Behavioural Physiology.  University of Granada. SPAIN

  3. Viñeta During these years I have been teaching the following subjects:

  4. Viñeta Cognitive Processes

  5. Viñeta Ergonomics

  6. Viñeta History of Psychology

  7. Viñeta Learning, Memory and Cognition

  8. Viñeta Cognitive Skills

  9. Viñeta Cognitive Skills in practice

  10. Viñeta Experimental Design and Analysis in Psychology

  11. Viñeta 1998: Research and working Visit, Institute of Behavioral Sciences (IBS). University of Derby. Derby. UK.

  12. Viñeta 1993: Working Visit, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK.

  13. Viñeta 2008 and 2006: Working Visit. ARU (Accident Research Unit).  School of Psychology. University of Nottingham.

Ph.D. external examinations

  1. Viñeta Steve Cloethe's, University of Queensland. Australia

  2. Viñeta Jessica Ruth Price Edquist's University of Monash. Australia.

  3. Viñeta Fadhel Khashawi. University of Nottingham. UK.

A Selection of Research Grants and Projects:

  1. Viñeta Research project 2012- 0100DGT21263 DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico). Department of Transport: Hazard Perception in the Spanish driving context. 21.000 Euros (principle investigator).

  2. Viñeta P11-SEJ-7404. Components of attention in driving:behavioural measures, self-performance data and accidents rates. Proyecto Motriz. 160.000 Euros. (principle investigator).

  3. Viñeta PSI-2010-/PSIC: M.E.C. (Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia), Explaining Driver Distraction and Resource Distribution Failure in Driving from the Analysis of Reasoning and Attentional. Processes.

  4. Viñeta Education and Science Department. Spanish Government.  2007-2010. FEDER funding. 72.600,00 Euros (principle investigator).

  5. Viñeta SEJ-2007-61843/PSIC: ëDeduction from pictorial traffic premises: obligatory and prohibitory signsí M.E.C. (Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Education and Science Department). Spanish Government. 2007-2010. FEDER funding. 72.000 Euros 121.968,00 ? (principle investigator).

  6. Viñeta P07-SEJ-2613/PSIC: ëCognitive processes involved in the information processing from the traffic signs. í. Junta de AndalucÌa. Spanish Government. 2007-2010. Feder Funding. 132.700,12 ? (principle investigator).

  7. Viñeta SEJ-2004-0551/PSIC. Analysis and assessment of the Cognitive Processes involved in the information processing of traffic signs, Variable Message Signs (VMS) and railway signing. M.E.C. (Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Education and Science Department). Spanish Government. 2004-2007. Feder funding  20.700,00 Euros (principle investigator).

  8. Viñeta 562/04. Revision de la Norma de Señalización Vertical, Instrucción, 8.1-IC [Review of the Traffic Signs Spanish Signalisation Norm, Current Instruction 8.1-IC] (2006).  Ministerio de Fomento (Spanish Government) y Empresa GTT-INGENIERIA y Tratamientos del Agua (GTT Engineering and Water Treatments, S.A.), 2005-2006

  9. Viñeta ERGOASFA. Proyecto ERGOASFA: Mejora del Sistema de Frenado Automático a Bordo del tren mediante el desarrollo de un prototipo Ergonómico que mejore las funcionalidades actuales. [Improvement of Railways Automatic Breaking System ASFA. Development of an Ergonomic prototype that improves the current functions]. RENFE-ADIF, 2005-2006

  10. Viñeta Australian Research Council, Linkage Projects. Driversí Behavioral Responses to Traffic Signs and Human Factors in the Highway Environment. Two grants. International Collaborator.

  11. Viñeta British Council, Spain: The Effects of semantic priming on road sign recognition (in conjunction with the IBS, Institute of Behavioral Sciences, University of Derby, Derby, UK) 1999

  12. Viñeta PB97-0802: Perceptive judgment of night driving distance and speed estimation: Effect of headlights and other car devices. M.E.C.  Spanish Government.

  13. Viñeta PB93-1114: Influence of anterior and posterior attentional systems in reading words. M.E.C.  Spanish Government

  14. Viñeta Traffic Signs Perceptual Features Assessment- MAFFRE Spanish Insurance Company.

  15. Viñeta Elderly and driving: Memory lost, risk perception, medicine consume and real accident number in elderly drivers. IMSERSO (Instituto de Migraciones y Servicios Sociales, Institute of Migrations and Social Services) Spanish Government, 2003

  16. Viñeta Stop driving: Elderly people driving behavior assessment. IMSERSO. 2004

Professional Responsibilities:

  1. Viñeta Referee for the academic journals

  2. Viñeta Applied Ergonomics.

  3. Viñeta Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior,

  4. Viñeta Vision in Vehicles (VIV).  Series of Book and Conferences.

  5. Viñeta Local Organizer X International Conference Vision in Vehicles, 2003, Granada.

  6. Viñeta Scientific Committee member: X & XI International Conference Vision in Vehicles, 2003 (Granada) and 2006, (Dublin)

Current academic publications (last 5 years)


  1. Viñeta Roca, J., Crundall, D., Moreno-RÌos, S., Castro, C., y Lupiañez, J. (2013).  The influence of differences in functioning of the neurocognitive attentional Networks on driversí performance.  Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 1193-1206.

  2. Viñeta Roca, J., Lupianez, J., López-Ramón, F., y Castro, C. (2013). Are driversí attentional lapses associated with the functioning of the neurocognitive attentional networks and with cognitive failure in everyday life?. Transportation Research, Part F., Traffic Psychology, 17,  98ñ113

  3. Viñeta Vargas, C., Castro, C., Martos, F.J., y Trujillo. (2012). Conocimiento de las normas de tráfico en función de la ead y de la importancia para la seguridad vial. Kwoledge of Traffic Rules According to the Age and the Importance for Road Safety.  Universitas Psychologica, 11(4), Oct-Dic. ISSN 1657-9267.


  1. Viñeta Roca, J., Fuentes, L.J., Marotta, A., López-Ramón, M.F. , Castro, C., Lupianez, J. Y Martella, D. (2012). The effects of sleep deprivation on the attentional functions and vigilante. Acta Psychologica, 140,  2, 164-176

  2. Viñeta Castro, C., Moreno-RÌos, S. y Tornay, F. (2012). Cognitive representations of obligation and prohibition signs when they provide the same amount of semantic information. Psicologica, 33, 275-291

  3. Viñeta Roca, J., Castro, C., Bueno, M., & Moreno-RÌos, S. (2012). A driving-emulation task to study the integration of goals with obligatory and prohibitory traffic signs.  Applied Ergonomics, 43(1), 81-88.


  1. Viñeta Castro, C., Vargas, C., Trujillo, H.M, Martos, F.J. y GarcÌa-Fernández, P. (2011). How to evaluate the accident data for older drivers? Age, gender and gravity of accidents: a new estimation of driving frequency base don litres of fuel consumed.  Securitas Vialis,  3,  (3) 87-94.

  2. Viñeta Roca, J., Castro, C., López-Ramón, M.F., & Lupiáñez, J. (2011). Measuring vigilance while assessing the functioning of the three attentional networks: The ANTI-Vigilance task.  Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 198, 312-324.

  3. Viñeta López-Ramón, M.F., Castro, C., Roca, J., Ledesma, R., & Lupiañez, J. (2011). Attentional networks functioning, age and attentional lapses while driving.  Traffic Injury Prevention, (12), 518ñ528


  1. Viñeta Vargas, C., Moreno-RÌos, S., Castro, C y Underwood, G.  (2010) Encoding time and signs exposure time in the representation of diagrammatic deontic meanings.  Acta Psychologica,  137, 106-114. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2011.03.006

  2. Viñeta Vargas, C., Moreno-RÌos, S., y Castro, C. (2010).  Integración de la información y señalización de las intersecciones del tráfico con una señal de obligación. En Añaños, E., Esta˙n, S., y Mas, M.T. (Eds.). La Atención (VI). Un enfoque pluridisciplinar. Barcelona: Avesta. 189-195

  3. Viñeta Castro, C., Crundall, D., Chapman, P., Trawley, S y Underwood, G. (2010). Un-experienced vs. Experienced drivers. Limitations of human Attention. An analysis of their three attentional networks.  Driver Distraction.

  4. Viñeta Cantón, C., Durán, M. y Castro, C. (2010). Conducción y envejecimiento. Revista Española de GeriatrÌa y GerontologÌa, 45, 30-37


  1. Viñeta Durán, M., Cantón, D., & Castro, C.  (2009).  Patrones de cambio en la conducción de las mujeres. International Journal of Psychological Research, 2(1), 54-66


  1. Viñeta Castro, C., Moreno-RÌos, S., Tornay, F.J., y Vargas, C. (2008). Mental Representation of Obligatory and Prohibitory Traffic Signs. Acta Psychologica, 129, 8-17  ACTPSY-D-05-00156R3. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2008.03.016

Previous academic publications

  1. Viñeta Castro, C. and Horberry, T. (2007).  Worded and Symbolic Traffic Sign Stimuli Análisis Using Repetition Priming and Semantic Priming.  In A. M. Columbus. Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 53. Cap. 1, 17-46. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

  2. Viñeta Castro, C., Tornay, F. J., Moreno-RÌos, S., Vargas, C. and Molina, E. (2007).  Comprendiendo señales de tráfico. [Understanding traffic signs] In J. GarcÌa-Sevilla, M.J. Pedraja-Linares, A. Egea-Caparros (Eds.) Reunión CientÌfica sobre Atención V. RECA V (Scientific Meeting on Attention) 5, 1-5.

  3. Viñeta Castro, C., Tornay, F.J., Moreno, S. and Vargas, C. (2006).  Negación y Razonamiento con Señales de Tráfico [Negation and Reasoning with traffic Signs]. In M.J., Contreras, J. Botella, Cabestrero, R. and Gil Gómez, B. (Eds).  Lecturas de PsicologÌa Experimental [Experimental Psychology Readings]. Chapter 24, (pages 239-247). Madrid: UNED Editions.

  4. Viñeta Vargas, C., Castro, C., Martos, F.J. and Trujillo, H. M. (2006).  Análisis del Ìndice de accidentalidad en ancianos: una revisión de la problemática en las ˙ltimas dÈcadas  [Elderly peopleís accidents rate: A review of the last decades].  En S. Ballesteros. (Eds). Aging, Cognition, and Neuroscience. Chapter 18, 321-331. Madrid: UNED (National University of Distance Studies) Editions.

  5. Viñeta Castro, C., Vargas, C., Martos, F.J. and Trujillo, H. M. (2006).  Stop driving: A self-awareness question? Spanish Version.  En S. Ballesteros. (Eds). Aging, Cognition, and Neuroscience. Chapter 19, 333-344. Madrid: UNED (National University of Distance Studies) Editions.

  6. Viñeta Castro, C., Duran, M, and Canton, D. (2006).  La conducción vista por los Psicólogos Cognitivos. [Driving form a Cognitive Psychology point of view]. Boletin de Psicologia, 87, 35-60

  7. Viñeta Castro, C., Tornay, F. J., Moreno-RÌos, S., Vargas, C., and Molina, E. (2005).  Mental Representation of Traffic Signs: Role of Sign Complexity and Semantic Information. En G. Underwood (Ed.) Traffic and Transport Psychology.  Chapter 34, pages 419-429. Elsevier.

  8. Viñeta Castro, C., MartÌnez, C., Tornay, F.J., Fernández, P.G., and Martos, F.J. (2005).  Vehicle distance estimations in night time driving:  A real-setting study.  Transportation Research: Part F: Traffic Psychology & Behavior, 8, 31-45.

  9. Viñeta Castro, C. (2005).  Dispositivos Informativos Visuales y Señales de Trafico.  [Visual Displays and Traffic Signs: Criteria for Assessment]. BoletÌn de PsicologÌa (Spanish Bulletin of Psychology), 81, 69-87.

  10. Viñeta Castro, C. y Horberry, T (2004).  The Human Factors of Transport Signs.  Boca Raton, F.L: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

  11. Viñeta Horberry, T.J., Castro, C., Martos, F. and Mertova, P. (2004). Chapter 1:  An introduction to transport signs and an overview of the structure of this book. In Castro, C. and Horberry, T.J (2004). The human factors of transport signsí. Taylor and Francis, London.

  12. Viñeta Castro, C., Horberry, T.J and Tornay, F.  (2004). Chapter 4:  The effectiveness of transport signs. In Castro, C. and Horberry, T.J (Eds.) The human factors of transport signs. Taylor and Francis, London.

  13. Viñeta Horberry, T.J, Castro, C., and Mertova, P. (2004). Chapter 16:  Reflections on the Human Factors of Transport Signs and Author Biographies. In Castro, C. and Horberry, T.J (Eds.) The human factors of transport signs. Taylor and Francis, London

  14. Viñeta Castro, C., Horberry, T.J. and Gale, A.G. (2004).  The Effects of different speedometer display types with respect to reading numerical information and detecting speed change.  In T. Rothengatter and R.D. Huguenin (Eds.) Traffic and Transport Psychology: Theory and Application.  Chapter 27, pages. 301-316. Elsevier.

  15. Viñeta Castro, C., Horberry, T.J., Tornay, F, Martinez, C. and Martos, F.J. (2003).  Efectos de facilitación de repetición y semántica en el reconocimiento de señales de indicación y peligro.  [Repetition and Semantic priming effects when recognizing indication and warning signs], Cognitiva, (Cognitive), 15 (1), 19-32.

  16. Viñeta Castro, C., Tornay, F.J., and Martos, F.J. (2001).  Eficacia de las señales de tráfico: Factores que influencian su percepción [Traffic Signs Effectiveness.  Factors that influence its perception]. BoletÌn de PsicologÌa, 73, 57-80.

  17. Viñeta Castro, C., Horberry, T.J. and Gale, A.G. (1999).  The Effects of Semantic Priming and Repetition Priming on Traffic Sign Recognition.  Vision in Vehicles VIII.

  18. Viñeta Castro, C., Martos, F.J., MartÌnez, C., Tornay, F., and Fernández, P.G. (1999).  Distance estimation during Night Driving.  Vision in Vehicles VIII.

  19. Viñeta Castro, C., and Martos, F.J. (1998).  Effect of background complexity in perception of traffic signs: The distracting effect of advertisements in the vicinity of the sign.  General Psychology: Mental Architectures, *, 143-153.

  20. Viñeta Castro, C., and Martos, F.J. (1997).  Aportaciones de la PsicologÌa a la Seguridad Vial: Una revisión de las áreas más importantes. [Psychology applied to Highway Safety: A review of the most important fields of work.]. BoletÌn de PsicologÌa, 54, 25-52.

  21. Viñeta Castro, C., and Martos, F.J. (1997).  The interfering effect of performing one visuo-spatial task while driving. In A.G. Gale, I.D. Brown, C.M. Haslegrave y S.P. Taylor, Vision in Vehicles VII, 413-418

  22. Viñeta Castro, C., and Martos, F.J. (1996).  Influencia de la percepción de las señales de tráfico en la respuesta del conductor. [Influence of Traffic Signs Perception on the driverís response]. BoletÌn de PsicologÌa, 50, 7-35.

  23. Viñeta Castro, C., and Martos, F.J. (1995).  Effect of the size, number and position of traffic signs mounted on the same post. Scientific Contributions to General Psychology, 13, 89-1006.

Presentations at Conferences:

These have included the presentation and several chaired sessions at the:

  1. Viñeta Cognitve Sciences CogSci

  2. Viñeta ESCOP (European Society of Cognitive Psychology)

  3. Viñeta ICTTP (International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology)

  4. Viñeta EPS-SEPEX Meeting.

  5. Viñeta Transport Psychology on Four Continents.

  6. Viñeta Prevention RoutiËre PRI

  7. Viñeta Vision in Vehicles

  8. Viñeta RECA (Scientific Meeting on Attention)

Membership of Professional Bodies:

  1. Viñeta Member of the SEPEX (Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology).

  2. Viñeta Member of the research group on Cognitive Sciences 1996-2001

  3. Viñeta Member of the research group on Psychology and Highway Safety, 2001-

Currículum Vitae