@article{Real_2020, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/15/03/c03024}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1748-0221%2F15%2F03%2Fc03024}, year = 2020, month = {mar}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {15}, number = {03}, pages = {C03024--C03024}, author = {D. Real and C. Bozza and D. Calvo and P. Musico and P. Jansweijer and S. Colonges and V. van Beveren and F. Versari and T. Chiarusi and F. Carri{\`{o}} and G. Pellegrini and A.F. D{\'{\i}}az}, title = {{KM}3NeT acquisition: the new version of the Central Logic Board and its related Power Board, with highlights and evolution of the Control Unit}, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, abstract = {The KM3NeT collaboration is currently building two deep sea neutrino telescopes at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea. The acquisition electronics for the first phase of the telescopes has been produced and several Detection Units have already been deployed. For subsequent phases, an improved version of the acquisition electronics has been designed with the goal of reducing the power consumption and improving the long term reliability of the boards. The control software suite, named Control Unit, is also being upgraded, in particular to overcome hardware failures. In this article, we present the last versions of the Central Logic Board and its associated Power Board, together with the evolution of the Control Unit.} }