2017-2018 Academic calendar for bachelor's degrees

The academic calendar defines the time period in which the wide variety of academic activities related to the UGR’s Bachelor’s Degrees take place, including assessment periods.

This calendar includes national, regional and local holidays as established in Spain’s official working calendar, as well as holidays at specific UGR learning centres and faculties.

For the academic year 2017-2018 this calendar is based on the following premises:

  • Teaching methods used on our Bachelor’s Degrees are focused on the students’ acquisition of competencies as well as on the procedures used to assess this acquisition. In this regard, in accordance with the University of Granada’s Student Assessment Policy, which was approved by the Governing Council on 20 May 2013 and was last modified on 26 October 2016 (Normativa de Evaluación y Calificación de los Estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada), assessment procedures can vary and can be scheduled throughout the whole academic year.

  • The academic year is divided into two terms lasting approximately 18 weeks each. For each term, there are fixed dates for the start and end of the teaching period, as well as for the submission of marks by teaching staff for both regular and supplementary assessment periods.

  • Each Centre must approve a specific calendar for exams and other important deadlines included in their curricula. This calendar must be approved by the Board of each Centre/Faculty and must be submitted to the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Learning before 14 June 2017. The Academic Committee and the Degree Committee will verify that each Centre’s proposed calendar complies with UGR regulations in order for it to be officially approved.

  • The calendar must include a study period without exams before each term’s regular assessment period.

  • Teaching periods for each term must include final exams for each subject in the regular assessment period. There must be a minimum period of 7 days between the notification of marks obtained during the regular assessment period and supplementary examination sessions, otherwise these supplementary examination sessions may not take place during the same term. Supplementary examinations for all subjects will be held no later than 6 July 2018, although an optional exam extension period will last until 13 July 2018.

  • Teaching staff must inform students of their final marks within no more than 20 calendar days following the final examination session. In any event, final marks will be published before the deadline for submission of term marks established in the official academic calendar, in line with the UGR Student Assessment Policy (art. 23.1. de la Normativa de Evaluación y Calificación de los Estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada.)

  • Exams may take place on Saturdays during the assessment period, although only if completely necessary.

Within the general framework of teaching activities, two basic models are employed:

  • Open term calendar: Supplementary assessment periods for first and second terms will be scheduled at the end of the academic year, once the second term regular assessment period has concluded.

  • Closed term calendar: Supplementary assessment periods for each term will be scheduled after that term’s regular assessment period, in line with the specific dates provided in the corresponding academic calendar.

Specific schedules for each of these models are detailed below.

  • The Undergraduate Dissertation (TFG) and External Internship (PE) are also subject to regular and supplementary assessment periods in the dates provided by the Board of each Centre/Faculty. However, the Board of each Centre/Faculty must ensure their teaching staff submit the Undergraduate Dissertation (TFG) and External Internship (PE) marks in line with the following deadlines, for both the regular and supplementary assessment periods (respectively):

  • Open term model: 15 June and 20 July 2018

  • Closed term model: 27 June and 20 July 2018

In exceptional circumstances, and with prior authorization from the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Learning, the deadline for submission of the corresponding marks for the Undergraduate Dissertation and External Internship obtained in the supplementary assessment period may be postponed until 7 September 2018.

• Any modification to the academic calendars must be approved by the Board of each Centre/Faculty and the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Learning.