Code of Good Practice in Research

A bookshelf

As a research-driven institution, the University of Granada is firmly committed to promoting an environment that acknowledges and supports research excellence. Crucial to this goal is the duty to uphold the highest possible standards of quality, integrity and academic freedom in our research activities. In short, the University vows to safeguard the research ethics and principles laid down in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, as well as the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Law (Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación).

Research ethics are defined as a combination of values, rules and regulations that support the development and improvement of research activities. They are based on a set of guiding principles that lead to the establishment of specific good practices, which we have compiled through the creation of our Code of Good Practice in Research.

This Code sets out an overarching framework for good research conduct and governance. It applies to all disciplines and establishes the responsibilities expected of all those who are engaged in research at the University of Granada, including doctoral candidates, lecturers, professors and visiting staff. Specifically, it covers the following areas: 

  • Honesty

  • Accountability

  • Rigour 

  • Conflicts of interest

  • Research misconduct and unacceptable practices

  • The Research Ethics Committee

View or download our Code of Good Practice in Research

Code of Good Practice in Research (EN)

Código de Buenas Prácticas en Investigación (ES)